Ultramarathon Runner Saves Stray Dog Mid-Run – Video

Ultramarathon Runner Saves Stray Dog Mid-Run – Video

Ultra marathon runner Dion Leonard’s life changed forever when he encountered an unexpected companion in the middle of the Gobi Desert – a small chihuahua who joined him during a grueling 155-mile race. Determined to bring the little dog, named Gobi, home with him to Scotland, Leonard embarked on a six-month journey in China to get her the necessary medical clearance.

Leonard, whose passion for running ultra marathons has greatly improved his physical and mental health, credits the sport for bringing Gobi into his life. The heartwarming story of Leonard and Gobi’s unbreakable bond is a moving testament to the power of determination, friendship, and the incredible ways in which animals can impact our lives.

To learn more about this incredible rescue mission and the inspiring relationship between a man and his loyal four-legged friend, watch the full video on Inside Edition Digital.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Ultramarathon Runner Rescues Running Dog” was uploaded on 07/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition