UN Security Council demands end to Sudan’s city siege

UN Security Council demands end to Sudan’s city siege

The situation in Sudan continues to escalate as the UN Security Council has demanded an end to the eight-week siege of el-Fasher by Sudanese paramilitary forces. The fighting in the city has raised concerns of a possible genocide, adding to the already devastating civil war that has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions.

El-Fasher is the last major urban centre in Darfur that remains under the control of Sudan’s army, who have been facing off against the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces for over a year. The Security Council has called for an immediate halt to the fighting and for all troops to withdraw from the city.

The international community is closely monitoring the situation in Sudan, with the United Nations leading the call for peace and humanitarian aid. As the conflict continues to rage on, the need for a peaceful resolution becomes even more urgent. Stay updated on this developing story by subscribing to the BBC News channel for the latest updates and analysis. #Sudan #UnitedNations #BBCNews

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