Uncovering the Dark Past of Boston: Witchcraft, Hangings, and Internment Camps | Revealing Hidden History with National Geographic – Video

Uncovering the Dark Past of Boston: Witchcraft, Hangings, and Internment Camps | Revealing Hidden History with National Geographic – Video

Boston may be celebrated for its museums, monuments, and rich history, but there are darker secrets hidden within its past. In a new video titled “Witchcraft, Hangings, and Internment Camps: Boston EXPOSED,” National Geographic delves into four shocking stories that reveal the city’s disturbing history.

From the oppression of Irish Catholics to Metacomet’s Rebellion, the Salem Witch Trials, and the story of Onesimus, an enslaved man who helped end smallpox, Boston’s early settlers engaged in practices that are now considered reprehensible. These stories shed light on a side of Boston’s history that is often overlooked in the city’s prestigious museums and historical markers.

For more hidden history and exclusive insights, viewers can follow Kahlil Greene, the Gen Z Historian, on YouTube. National Geographic invites viewers to explore these intriguing tales and learn more about the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure.

Join National Geographic in uncovering the dark and complex history of Boston in “Witchcraft, Hangings, and Internment Camps: Boston EXPOSED,” and gain a deeper understanding of the stories that shaped one of America’s oldest cities.

Watch the video by National Geographic

Video “Witchcraft, Hangings, and Internment Camps: Boston EXPOSED | Hidden History | National Geographic” was uploaded on 03/17/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by National Geographic on Gretopia