Unrest in Kenya continues as police clash with protesters over tax bill

Unrest in Kenya continues as police clash with protesters over tax bill

Kenya was once again plunged into chaos as protesters clashed with police over a controversial finance bill that has sparked outrage across the country. Despite President Uhuru Kenyatta’s announcement that he would not sign the bill, demonstrations continued in Nairobi with riot police using tear gas and water cannon to disperse the crowds.

The unrest in the capital city highlights the growing frustration among Kenyan citizens who feel marginalized and burdened by the government’s economic policies. The clashes between protesters and police serve as a stark reminder of the deep-rooted issues facing the country, with many calling for meaningful reforms and accountability from their leaders.

As the protests show no signs of abating, it remains to be seen how the government will address the grievances of its people and whether further violence can be prevented. The situation in Kenya is tense and volatile, with both protesters and police on edge as the country grapples with the aftermath of the finance bill unrest.

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Video “Kenya police clash with protesters as tax bill unrest continues” was uploaded on 07/03/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English