Before Area 51, hidden deep in the desert, the military discovered a hidden gem that helped them create Project Bluebook.
Director: Clive Christopher
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Video “Aliens Uncovered: Origins | The Secrets of Project Blue Book” was uploaded on 07/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Didn't even make it to 10 minutes… the first 5 were unnecessarily unbearable. Great effort, but you still have a lot of work to do. You can't even tell this is a Project Blue Book documentary at all by the 10-minute mark.
Everytime I see one of these movies they talk about the start of the CIA. What about the OSS. They did the work before the CIA started. I just wonder if the OSS maybe never closed when the CIA started. It was not like they didn't have weird stuff happening before 1947.
I couldn't get past 3 minutes. Distracting sound effects, cliched musical effects. Fire whoever is responsible for this garbage. Tedious.
you people need to stop lying these are all old shit
Why does it show all WW2 footage? Truemann was in WW1
Please please please turn off the damn background music!!! Wff. That ruined the video.
Subbed/liked for quality & especially: no ai narration. You are literate and can do it yourself. /bravo!
Crazy documentary 🔥
Interesting video.I'm amazed how critical people are saying do it right. If you gonna give some productive criticism,do it right and not rude.
'Internment' is pronounced 'In-Turn-Mint' and 'Stalin' does not have a 'Y' in it…cringe, man.
The music sounds like a song from KoRn issues remixed
….1/4/25….Folks, this post is from the author of ‘Alien Park And The 911 Code’, a very important door opener to the future of mankind….The Roswell crash date was on 7/2, day number ‘183,’ dead center in the year, and the first scripture that mentions ‘alien’ in the King James Bible is Ex ‘18:3’….The same three numbers….
….Ex 18:3, And her two sons: (Cain- Abel) of which the name of the one was Ger’-shom; for he said, I have been an alien in a strange land:….I sure was a misfit in my creationist cult family….
….Eve had two sons and one killed the other, a one child per family message, as well as to end families divided by religion. And it has been proven by the bible’s own GO SPELL GOSPEL that all names in the bible are acronyms, yes this is true, and yes the time has come for revelation, as we are told to GO SPELL out of all of them….The aliens are usually depicted as having over sized heads, symbolizing the over sizing of the heads of our children by excessive violence. SO, what else does (gruesome) ‘Ger’-shom’ tell us?????
….G-E-R-S-H-O-M….Ground Ends Religious Separations (evolution truth fossil record) Home Oppositions Merge (Mingle, Mend, Mutual.)…. In this case Cain killing Abel, was symbolically over a family religious battle, and so, yes it did hold code meaning to me in my family, a new finding….But I am sure, there are many others situations where an intellectual kid, would see through creationism, and be the black sheep in a family of creationists. Why would this be so important to the Roswell crash script????? Well in fact it goes hand and hand to the first alien telephone call to earth. The inter-dimensional aliens are the inventors. We rang a BELL when we went to church and to school, Edison took Bell’s discovery, and with other inventions made the sound clearer, and made the telephone, and EDISON backwards is NO SIDE, with fossil truth in church and school there would be no side to fight for, and thus no Cain killing Abels….
n'importe quoi les ET n'existe pas !
Best documentary? Compared to what?
Very nice! – From São Paulo – Brasil.
Why do you have the annoying music so loud a d we cant hear you talking.
NU- CLE-AR not nukuler
STA-(aw)LIN not Stay-lin
And turn down the annoying music. Wtf man
I dont know why I havent seen this documentary before as I live Ufo is amazing, such rich narrative and videos that shame bug budget films /productions. I would like to know how long it took to compile, film, edit, soundtrack..amazing
THose are WORLD WAR II planes, NITWITS!
I hug trees yall love mrs mississippi 1964
Aliens don't exit. It's impossible to get here. These guys are just making money outta fools