As a travel journalist following the adventures of Itchy Boots, I am excited to share some uplifting news with all the fans out there. After a period of recovery, Itchy Boots is back on the road and ready to explore new destinations.
But that’s not all – Itchy Boots has also just released her first book in Dutch, with an English publication hopefully on the way soon. To celebrate this milestone, she will be touring the Netherlands in the coming weeks, giving fans the opportunity to meet her in person, get their books signed, and hear all about her incredible journeys.
If you’re eager to join in on the fun, make sure to grab your tickets to one of the upcoming events in Assen, Sassenheim, or Almelo. Itchy Boots will be sharing stories, signing books, and spreading her contagious enthusiasm for travel.
And don’t forget to stay connected with Itchy Boots on Instagram and Facebook for more updates and behind-the-scenes moments as she continues to inspire us all with her passion for exploration. Keep following along for more exciting adventures ahead!
Watch the video by Itchy Boots
Video “Itchy Boots update & NEWS!” was uploaded on 06/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Itchy Boots
It is very important for us to see you healthy and on the road again. We wish you all the best, happy and healthy long roads. Greetings from Türkiye
Your a crazy lady you take better care of yourself.
Just placed our order for the English version! ❤
dont make a book make a netfliix serries
It's awesome to see you're doing good, I am gonna start adventure riding in a bit, but I am sort of inexperienced, so I'm not gonna do multi-nation stuff, I'm in South Africa, and I turn 18 nest year, so it's gonna be at least 2 and a half or three years before I start to properly adventure on a bike, but I am about to buy myself a nice bike, and I can't wait, my bike is sort of underpowered due to me not being the lightest person, and it being a 17 year old 125cc Chinese farm bike, but the bike I'm getting is a 23 year old F650GS Dakar, and I am gonna start riding it in January, mostly due to me having a holiday job right now and no time to get used to a different bike, I am also going to change the colour, because I don't like the colour, either way, it's an awesome bike and I am gonna enjoy it a lot, and I can't wait to watch your journey from when you're healed up
quero um…
Bebe welcome New York love to see you
Great Noraly✌️👍👍👍👌👌👌😍😍😍 Pls keep going
I am new to your page and I’ve just watched the last 16 episodes of the channel, you are amazing a beautiful young woman with lots of courage , strength, personality, thank you for the wonderful entertainment you gave me , I will keep looking for more episodes enjoy your beautiful life, I admire you so much 🍺cheers and a merry Christmas 🎉
I was in bed and could barely move for 6 weeks after my motorbike accident. It took 16 days before the healing started and 3 months before i could lie on my side, 6 months before i started to sleep on my stomach again. Nearly 2 years ago and still have pain when laying down.
Saw a video of you saying the U.S. was boring. Really
I love u I wanna grow old with u.😂nah I'm married.
You are beautiful inside & out. Sending peace good health and safe travels your way always 🙌🤍🤍🤍
Brave woman
I appreciate you
I’m too happy with your trips
I'm sure its been asked, but have you considered doing the voice on an audiobook, in English? Would probably make for the best translation since it's your book. Safe travels
You are a brave woman. Despite the accident that happened to you in Tanzania, you did not stop your travel across the world to convey a good image of those people… As for car numbers in Iraq, the new numbers are the white numbers, and everything else is the old numbers.
Noraly. I am so happy to see you in happier spirit , and I hope you to see you on your bike again ❤
I’m glad you’re back up and going you little cute thing
wow what a natural beauty
Oscar nomination 🎉. My belief is that you should be nominated for an Oscar. Your documentation of the cultures, geography is of good historical education and insight. Thanks you so much for educating us while you have fun and share your experiences with different countries, cultures capturing the real everyday experiences of the regular people. Something I was hoping CNN would do when it first started with Mr. Turner, but has been such a disappointment. I especially love your editing and how you apply music to your video in an excellent way to amplify the scenes and creating a great dramatic effect to only enhances the viewers experience. Love you work . I’m a wanderlust like you but not sure I’m as brave as you. It’s interesting to see how these cultures interact with a so called “white” female EU based person. Thanks again for your bravery and your excellent video. I think the academy of motion pictures should consider giving folks like you a category when they hand out the Oscars ! What do you think Norrali ( did I spell that correctly)
Your smile is infectious .. it is for sure a blessing to you and all who you encounter . Keep smiling , keep shining
I think you should be given the title "Ambassator to the people of the world."
You seem to be able to communicate with most of the people you meet on your travels, and it shows they all love you when they don't want anything for their services.
I ordered both of your books. I read your first one. Waiting on your second one to be released. Great books I’m happy I could support you.
I like touring bike
Hope you are better soon and get well. I can’t wait to buy your book . As a new rider getting into motorcycle touring and camping on my new honda NT1100 . Lots of ❤ from Glasgow. 🏴
Event tickets zijn hier te koop ❤
19 juni – TT Assen :
26 juni – Sassenheim :
8 juli – Landgoed de Wilmersberg (omgeving Almelo) :