Using GPT-4o for Enhanced Accessibility with Be My Eyes – Video – GretAi News

Using GPT-4o for Enhanced Accessibility with Be My Eyes – Video – GretAi News

In a groundbreaking collaboration between artificial intelligence and accessibility, the Be My Eyes app has launched a new feature with the help of the GPT-4o model. This flagship model is capable of reasoning across audio, vision, and text in real time, making it a powerful tool for those with visual impairments.

In a video featuring Andy from Be My Eyes, viewers get a glimpse into how this technology is revolutionizing the way we assist individuals with disabilities. By using the GPT-4o model, the Be My Eyes app can now provide even more accurate and helpful assistance to users who may need help with tasks such as reading text or navigating their surroundings.

This collaboration truly highlights the potential of AI to make the world more inclusive and accessible for all. To learn more about the Be My Eyes Accessibility with GPT-4o feature, visit their website at [insert website link]. Join us in celebrating this exciting step towards a more accessible future.

Watch the video by OpenAI

Video “Be My Eyes Accessibility with GPT-4o” was uploaded on 05/13/2024 to Youtube Channel OpenAI

The post “Using GPT-4o for Enhanced Accessibility with Be My Eyes – Video – GretAi News” by GretAi was published on 06/01/2024 by