Vampire Bats is a thrilling horror film that follows a group of scientists who must save a small Texas town from a deadly infestation of vampire bats. The movie stars Lucy Lawless, Bobby Campo, and Dylan Neal, who deliver captivating performances that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Eric Bross and written by Doug Prochilo, Vampire Bats offers a nail-biting story filled with suspense and terror. As the scientists race against time to stop the bats from spreading their deadly contagion, they must also confront their own fears and personal demons.
The movie is a gripping blend of horror and science fiction, with stunning visuals and special effects that bring the terrifying creatures to life. Vampire Bats is a must-watch for fans of the genre, offering a dark and thrilling experience that will leave audiences breathless.
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Video “Vampire Bats FULL MOVIE | (Lucy Lawless, Bobby Campo, Dylan Neal) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 06/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
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