Village Recipe: Caramel Pudding Cake | Egg Bread Pudding Recipe

Village Recipe: Caramel Pudding Cake | Egg Bread Pudding Recipe

Ah, the sweet and sticky goodness of caramel pudding cake! In our village, we love to take simple ingredients like bread and eggs and turn them into a delectable dessert that will have your taste buds dancing with joy.

First things first, you’ll need to gather all the necessary ingredients for this recipe. You’ll need some slices of bread, a few eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla extract, and of course, some caramel sauce for that extra touch of sweetness.

Now, let’s get cooking! Start by tearing up the bread slices into small pieces and placing them in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, milk, and vanilla extract until well-combined. Pour this mixture over the bread pieces and give everything a good stir to make sure the bread is nicely coated.

Next, it’s time to bake the pudding cake in our open cooking vessel. We let it bake for a whopping 2 hours, allowing all those flavors to meld together and create a heavenly dessert. Once it’s done baking, we pop it in the fridge to cool and set.

Finally, the best part – enjoying the fruits of our labor! We take out the chilled pudding cake and drizzle it with some more caramel sauce for that extra oomph. The result? A moist and fluffy cake that will have you coming back for seconds (and maybe even thirds).

So there you have it, folks. A simple yet indulgent caramel pudding cake that will have you feeling like a master chef in no time. Give this recipe a try and let us know how it turns out in the comments below. Happy cooking!

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Video “CARAMEL PUDDING CAKE | Bread Pudding Cake Recipe Cooking In Village | Egg Bread Pudding Recipe” was uploaded on 09/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Village Cooking Channel