Warnings of famine in northern Gaza

Warnings of famine in northern Gaza

The situation in northern Gaza is dire, as warnings of famine have been issued by doctors who have seen the devastating effects of malnutrition and severe dehydration on the local population. The UN’s children’s agency, Unicef, has reported that nine out of 10 children in Gaza are facing severe food poverty, with many surviving on just two or fewer food groups per day.

The ongoing hostilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid have caused the collapse of food and health systems in the region, leading to catastrophic consequences for those living there. Children are particularly at risk, with many facing life-threatening malnutrition.

It is crucial that urgent action is taken to address the food crisis in northern Gaza and ensure that the population has access to the necessary aid and support. The situation is critical and requires immediate attention to prevent further suffering and loss of life. Stay informed and subscribe to BBC News for the latest updates on this unfolding humanitarian crisis.

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Video “Warnings of famine in northern Gaza | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/18/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News