Was there a romantic interest between Trump and ‘Will & Grace’ actress Debra Messing? – Video

Was there a romantic interest between Trump and ‘Will & Grace’ actress Debra Messing? – Video

In a shocking revelation, it has been suggested that former President Donald Trump may have had a crush on ‘Will & Grace’ star Debra Messing. According to Ramin Setoodeh, the author of ‘Apprentice in Wonderland,’ Trump was allegedly smitten with Messing when their shows aired back to back on NBC.

However, their relationship took a turn when Messing became one of Trump’s harshest critics after he was elected as president. Setoodeh claims that Trump was deeply upset by Messing’s criticism of him as the leader of the United States.

This new information sheds light on the complex dynamics between Trump and Messing, as well as the impact of their public personas on their personal interactions. It seems that even powerful figures like Trump are not immune to the allure of Hollywood stars like Debra Messing.

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Video “Did Trump Have a Crush on ‘Will & Grace’ Star Debra Messing?” was uploaded on 06/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition