Watergate Reporter: Biden’s Debate Performance Was Not an Isolated Incident – Video

Watergate Reporter: Biden’s Debate Performance Was Not an Isolated Incident – Video

In a recent video titled “Watergate Reporter Says Biden’s Debate Was ‘Not a One-Off’”, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre is seen facing a slew of questions following President Biden’s lackluster performance in a recent debate. The pressure intensified as famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein shared that President Biden’s poor debate showing was not a shock to those close to him.

According to Bernstein, close allies and supporters of President Biden have noticed a decline in his cognitive abilities over the last six months. This revelation raises concerns about the president’s ability to effectively lead the country and handle the responsibilities that come with the office.

The video sheds light on the growing apprehension surrounding President Biden’s mental acuity and the potential impact it may have on his presidency. As the scrutiny continues to mount, it remains to be seen how the administration will address these concerns moving forward.

Overall, the video serves as a stark reminder that the challenges facing President Biden are not isolated incidents, but rather indicative of a larger issue that needs to be addressed promptly.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Watergate Reporter Says Biden’s Debate Was ‘Not a One-Off’” was uploaded on 07/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition