What Causes Taylor Swift Fans to ‘Gig Trip’? – Video

What Causes Taylor Swift Fans to ‘Gig Trip’? – Video

In a new video titled “Why Are Taylor Swift Fans ‘Gig Tripping’?”, viewers are introduced to the Tawanna family who are embarking on a unique and exciting vacation. Instead of heading to a typical tourist destination for the 4th of July, the Tawanna family is flying over 5,000 miles from Los Angeles to Amsterdam to see their favorite singer, Taylor Swift, in concert. Not only do they have tickets to the show, but they also have VIP access.

This family is just one example of a growing trend among music fans known as “gig tripping.” More and more Americans are choosing to travel long distances to see their favorite artists perform live, turning concerts into full-blown vacation experiences. Whether it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a beloved musician in a far-off location or simply a chance to combine two passions – travel and music – gig tripping is becoming a popular way to create unforgettable memories.

Inside Edition’s Jim Moret delves into this phenomenon in the video, showcasing the dedication and excitement of fans who are willing to go the extra mile, quite literally, for their favorite artists. So next time you’re planning a vacation, why not consider taking a trip centered around a concert or festival? You never know what new adventures and memories you might create along the way.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Why Are Taylor Swift Fans ‘Gig Tripping’?” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition