What Exactly is Competitive Hobby Horsing? – Video

What Exactly is Competitive Hobby Horsing? – Video

Hobby horsing, a phenomenon that has been gaining popularity in Finland, Sweden, Germany, and the UK, is now starting to make a splash in the U.S. This quirky sport involves individuals competing in various events while riding a hobby horse, a toy horse head attached to a stick.

One such enthusiast is Mirabelle Soleil Whitman, a 13-year-old from Wisconsin who has been competing in hobby horse competitions since she was just 10 years old. Despite the unconventional nature of the sport, Mirabelle finds great joy and satisfaction in participating. “There’s so many weird things we as humans do that are also really fun and this is one of them,” she says.

Competitive hobby horsing involves a wide range of events, including show jumping, dressage, and obstacle courses. Participants must showcase their skills in controlling and maneuvering their hobby horse through these challenges, all while maintaining precision and grace.

While some may view hobby horsing as a strange or silly activity, those who participate in it see it as a unique and thrilling way to showcase their passion for horses and equestrian sports. As the popularity of hobby horsing continues to grow, it is clear that this sport is more than just child’s play—it is a legitimate and exciting competitive pursuit that offers participants the chance to express themselves and connect with others who share their love for horses.

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Video “What Is Competitive ‘Hobby Horsing’?” was uploaded on 06/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition