What fills the heart of the dance group DanceContinent? | DanceContinent | TEDxBratislava – Video

What fills the heart of the dance group DanceContinent? | DanceContinent | TEDxBratislava – Video

The video “Čo napĺňa srdce tanečného zoskupenia DanceContinent? | DanceContinent | TEDxBratislava” explores the essence of DanceContinent, a dynamic dance group that brings together individuals passionate about dance and performance. Through interviews with members of the group and captivating footage of their performances, viewers are given an inside look at the heart and soul of DanceContinent.

The video delves into the shared values and motivations that drive the members of DanceContinent, highlighting their dedication to artistic expression, creativity, and unity through dance. It showcases the diverse talents and backgrounds of the dancers, illustrating how they come together to create a vibrant and engaging community.

Viewers are not only treated to stunning dance performances, but also get a glimpse into the personal journeys and experiences of the dancers, shedding light on the impact that dance has had on their lives. Ultimately, the video invites audiences to experience the joy, passion, and sense of belonging that DanceContinent brings to its members and audiences alike.

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Author Video Description

[SK] Čo napĺňa srdce tanečného zoskupenia DanceContinent? Rozžiari ho vášeň pre tanec, pohyb a zdravý spôsob života s dôrazom na komunitu, budovanie vzťahov, pohybovej kultúry a vzdelávania.

[EN] What fills the heart of the dance group DanceContinent? It is ignited by a passion for dance, movement and a healthy way of life with an emphasis on community, building relationships, movement culture and education. [SK] DanceContinent sa riadi víziou upovedomiť a povzbudiť verejnosť v ich záujme o kultúru, pohyb, tanec, komunitu a aj zdravie. Tanečné zoskupenie patrí medzi najúspešnejšie súbory na Slovensku. Za 5 rokov pôsobenia získali niekoľko titulov Majstra Slovenska v sólových aj skupinových disciplínach, ale aj finálové a semifinálové umiestnenia na Majstrovstvách Európy a sveta.

[EN] DanceContinent is driven by a vision to inform and encourage the public to their interest in culture, movement, dance, community and health. The dance group is one of the most successful ensembles in Slovakia. During the 5 years of their existence, they won several titles of the Master of Slovakia in solo and group disciplines, as well as final and semi-final positions at the European and World Championships. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere — celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. TEDx events are produced independently of TED conferences, each event curates speakers on their own, but based on TED’s format and rules.

Video “Čo napĺňa srdce tanečného zoskupenia DanceContinent? | DanceContinent | TEDxBratislava” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks