What the Biden and Trump Debate Lacked: Exploring the Art of Debate | The Take

What the Biden and Trump Debate Lacked: Exploring the Art of Debate | The Take

The highly anticipated first US presidential debate of 2024 between former President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was supposed to showcase the art of debate in a democratic society. However, what unfolded on stage left many viewers and analysts questioning the state of discourse and democracy in the United States.

The debate was marked by constant interruptions, personal attacks, and a lack of substantive policy discussion. Both candidates seemed more focused on attacking each other rather than addressing the pressing issues facing the country. The level of civility and respect that is typically expected in a debate was sorely missing, with both candidates resorting to mudslinging and name-calling.

In a healthy democracy, debates are meant to provide voters with a clear understanding of the candidates’ platforms and positions on key issues. They are supposed to be a forum for candidates to engage in substantive discussions and engage in a battle of ideas. However, the Biden and Trump face-off failed to deliver on these expectations.

The art of debate requires a certain level of decorum, respect, and willingness to engage in a civil conversation. It also requires candidates to listen to each other, address each other’s arguments, and present their own ideas in a clear and coherent manner. Unfortunately, the first presidential debate of 2024 fell far short of these standards.

As we reflect on the debate and what it was missing, it is clear that both candidates have a responsibility to uphold the principles of civil discourse and democracy. Voters deserve better than what they witnessed on stage, and it is up to the candidates to rise above the petty bickering and engage in a meaningful discussion of the issues that matter most to the American people. Only then can we truly say that the art of debate has been respected and democracy has been upheld.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “The art of the debate: What the Biden and Trump face-off was missing | The Take” was uploaded on 07/01/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English