In the aftermath of the devastating wildfires that swept through Los Angeles last week, many film and television productions were forced to come to a halt. However, as the fires begin to be contained and the air quality improves, several productions have announced plans to resume filming in the city.
Among the productions set to restart filming on Monday are popular shows like ‘NCIS,’ ‘The Neighborhood,’ ‘Poppa’s House,’ and ‘NCIS: Origins.’ These shows play a significant role in the entertainment industry and their return to production is a positive sign for the city’s film community.
The decision for these productions to resume filming comes after careful consideration of the safety of the cast and crew members, as well as the overall impact of the wildfires on the area. With measures in place to ensure the health and well-being of everyone involved, the shows are eager to get back to work and continue bringing entertainment to audiences around the world.
The resumption of filming for these shows not only provides a sense of normalcy for those working in the industry, but also demonstrates the resilience and determination of the entertainment community in Los Angeles. As the city continues to recover from the devastation caused by the wildfires, the return of these productions is a hopeful sign of better days to come.
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Video “LA Fires: Which Productions Have Restarted Filming?” was uploaded on 01/16/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Meghan Markle always doing God's work just like Princess Diana 🙏
I love how Harry, Meghan and Jennifer Garner show up to help where they are needed either through their respective organizations or through their own efforts.
Nobody knew they were giving out food, yet somehow it was filmed 🙄
Game Shows are still put on hold.
America needs to ignore her like England and maybe she will go away!
Princess Megan and Prince Harry are royalty and still successful human beings
Nobody knew she was serving the Donations out to everybody "Except" the cameras huh??? That doggone mayor should be fired!!! What a lier he is and heartless to let no one other than the Megaliers walk thru the damages… What sick individuals the three are!!! 🌿🌹🌿
When are they Touring Jail after they tresspassed through peoples homes