Why the LGBT community lacks ‘pride’ this year

Why the LGBT community lacks ‘pride’ this year

In a thought-provoking video titled “Why there is no ‘pride’ for the LGBT community this year,” NY Post Editor and Columnist David Kaufman sheds light on the current sentiment within the LGBT community as Pride Month comes to a close.

Despite the vibrant parades and celebrations taking place in major cities like London, New York, and San Francisco, Kaufman argues that shame is actually the prevailing emotion among the LGBT community this year. He points to instances of controversial behavior within the community, such as a topless reveler at the White House’s annual pride party and a “queer” funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, as examples of actions that are drawing negative attention.

Kaufman also highlights the community’s focus on issues like gender ideology and chants for jihad, which he believes are ultimately damaging to the LGBT cause. Rather than feeling a sense of pride in their identity, Kaufman suggests that many within the LGBT community are facing internal and external challenges that are causing them to question their place in the world.

To learn more about Kaufman’s perspective on the current state of the LGBT community, check out the full video on the New York Post’s YouTube channel. Stay informed with the latest news and opinions from the New York Post by subscribing to their channel and visiting their website. #pridemonth #lgtbq #parades

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “Why there is no ‘pride’ for the LGBT community this year” was uploaded on 07/03/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post