“WICKED Trailer 3 (2024) Ariana Grande” is a highly anticipated fantasy movie set to release on November 22, 2024. The film follows the story of Elphaba, a girl with green skin who is often ostracized, and Glinda, a popular and privileged aristocrat in the magical Land of Oz. Despite their differences, the two unlikely friends navigate their contrasting personalities as they come to terms with their destinies as Glinda the Good and The Wicked Witch of the West.
Directed by Stephen Daldry & Jon M. Chu, the movie stars Ariana Grande, Cynthia Erivo, and Jeff Goldblum in leading roles. This film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical is set to be a two-part series, promising viewers a magical and captivating journey through the world of Oz.
Don’t miss out on this spectacular film experience, watch the official trailer now and get ready to be spellbound by the enchanting world of “WICKED”.
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Video “WICKED Trailer 3 (2024) Ariana Grande” was uploaded on 09/05/2024 to Youtube Channel KinoCheck.com
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