Willie Jones’ Reaction to “Just For Fun” Hitting Hot 100 for the First Time | Billboard #Shorts – Video

Willie Jones’ Reaction to “Just For Fun” Hitting Hot 100 for the First Time | Billboard #Shorts – Video

Willie Jones Reacts To Reaching Hot 100 For the First Time With “Just For Fun” | Billboard #Shorts

Country singer Willie Jones recently took to social media to share his excitement about reaching the Hot 100 for the first time with his hit single “Just For Fun.” In a video posted on Billboard’s #Shorts, he expressed his gratitude to Billboard, his fans, and Beyonce for the opportunity.

The video shows Jones celebrating his achievement and giving a special shoutout to Jeff Gitty, Parkwood, and the Beyhive for their support. He also reflects on the journey to this milestone, acknowledging that things may have seemed crazy at first but now it has become a reality.

Jones’ humility and appreciation shine through in the video as he credits God for his success and expresses his disbelief at the accomplishment. Fans of Jones and music enthusiasts alike can watch the video to see his genuine reaction to this career-defining moment. Congratulations to Willie Jones on this incredible achievement!

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Video “Willie Jones Reacts To Reaching Hot 100 For the First Time With “Just For Fun” | Billboard #Shorts” was uploaded on 04/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard