The WIN Compilation January 2024 Edition is a collection of the best videos from December 2023. This edition features a variety of entertaining and heartwarming clips, including a lost dog being reunited with its owner after a thoughtful stranger helps him find his way home, a talented woodworker building a working wooden minigun, and a helpful individual taking the time to assist a pedestrian who was hit by a car. The compilation also includes comical moments, impressive feats, and heartwarming interactions that are sure to put a smile on your face.
The video is sponsored by Royal Match, a free-to-play match 3 puzzle game that offers an exciting and relaxing gaming experience without any ads. Viewers are encouraged to download the game to start their 2024 with some wins of their own.
With 69 clips and over 13 minutes of playtime, the WIN Compilation January 2024 Edition is a fun and engaging watch, showcasing the best of YouTube. Whether you’re looking for a good laugh, heartwarming moments, or impressive talents, this compilation has something for everyone to enjoy. Check the link in the video description for the list of original clips seen in the video and to show support for the creators of the clips.
Watch the video by WIN Compilation
Video Transcript
A wo wo wo wo he you watch Here Hey shops in Iceland sell wool and mittens specifically for beer yo I was just hit by a car I’m going to your drinks are not good I’ll go back and get you some fresh drinks hello sir here you go you all good did you seriously do that thank you
So much I appreciate you man all Right Fore super yep yep yep [Applause] look at that that’s amazing that is genuinely like ketchup yeah I’d much rather it’s sweeter though than like sour yes when I really move the headstock like this so the strings go away from the Pickups [Applause] spe [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] A Woohoo B [Applause] Matata when this girl found a dog that was lost inside of a large apartment building she took him inside the elevator and stopped at every single floor to help him find his home he would look around at each floor and even smell and try to pick up
His owner’s scent and after stopping at Minnie this was the one where he immediately knew this was the floor of his home and ran straight to his door and try to pick up his owner’s scent and after stopping at Minnie this was the one where he immediately knew this was
The floor of his home and ran straight to his door hey it’s wh Mike here and I found my way back to the microphone to say thank you to Royal match for sponsoring this video if you’re keen on starting 2024 with some wins of your own this freet toplay match 3 puzzle game
Might be for you help King Robert rebuilt his castle by using exciting powerups I personally love those chain reactions rolling in there are absolutely no ads you can even play offline perfect to unwind and get your mind of all those real life fails download Royal match for free now
From the QR code on screen or the link provided in the description back to the recular wins W there it is there it is boys now we got yeah okay the [Applause] per this gu this is this has so much potential I can feel it
Yeah that’s as good as I can get it I spent about 300 hours building a wooden Minigun oh my God Through the ceramic which is more slippery right oh yeah they’re going to go right into the pot aren’t they [Laughter] Yeah If you’re happy and you know it t your feet now you’re Ch [Applause] [Applause] Of your dumps hold the avocado like this gently not fast but press when it’s cracked you just move your hands to the same direction in the middle press the Buton button and you opened your Avocado [Applause] w He [Applause] You got rip out oh my [Applause] God euphonic aray [Laughter]
Video “WIN Compilation JANUARY 2024 Edition (Best videos of December 2023)” was uploaded on 01/12/2024 to Youtube Channel WIN Compilation

The post “WIN Compilation JANUARY 2024 Edition – Video ” by GretAi was published on 02/18/2024 by