Woman’s Outburst Caught on Bodycam After Breaking Bail Bond – Video

Woman’s Outburst Caught on Bodycam After Breaking Bail Bond – Video

In a shocking turn of events, a woman named Crystaline violated her bail bond and went ballistic when confronted by two cops wearing body cameras. The officers informed her that her presence at a certain location was in direct violation of the conditions set after a recent incident involving her mother. Despite initially denying any knowledge of the violation, Crystaline quickly became aggressive and resistant when the officers explained that she would need to be placed under arrest. The situation escalated as Crystaline struggled and yelled, even accusing the officers of hurting her. The intense confrontation was captured on body camera footage, showcasing the intense emotions and chaotic nature of the encounter. Ultimately, the officers had to physically detain Crystaline, and she continued to resist until an ambulance was called to assess her condition. The entire incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and dangers that law enforcement officers face on a daily basis.

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Video “BODYCAM: Woman Goes Ballistic After Violating Her Bail Bond” was uploaded on 06/03/2024 to Youtube Channel TheDC Shorts