In a groundbreaking move, over half a million Argentinians have participated in a unique initiative where they scan their eyes in exchange for cryptocurrency. The program, known as Worldcoin, utilizes online biometrics technology to verify users’ identities and distribute cryptocurrency based on eye scans.
This revolutionary method of distributing cryptocurrency is the first of its kind, offering a seamless and secure way for individuals to access digital assets. By simply scanning their eyes, participants are able to receive cryptocurrency without the hassle of traditional processes such as mining or purchasing.
The adoption of Worldcoin in Argentina has gained significant traction, with a growing number of individuals eager to partake in this innovative initiative. This novel approach not only offers a convenient way for users to access cryptocurrency, but also highlights the potential for biometrics technology to revolutionize the digital asset space.
As more individuals embrace the use of biometrics for accessing cryptocurrency, it will be interesting to see how this trend unfolds and the impact it has on the broader adoption of digital assets. With Worldcoin leading the way in Argentina, it is clear that the future of cryptocurrency distribution may very well be in the palm of your hand – or rather, in the scan of your eyes.
Watch the video by Al Jazeera English
Video “Worldcoin in Argentina: Users scan their eyes in return for cryptocurrency” was uploaded on 07/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English
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