“You’re Cordially Invited” is a comedic film that follows the chaos that ensues when two weddings are accidentally booked at the same venue on the same day. Starring Will Ferrell as the father of the bride and Reese Witherspoon as the sister of the other bride, the movie showcases the hilarious battle between the two parties as they try to preserve their family’s special moments in the midst of tight quarters and unexpected challenges.
Directed by a yet-to-be-announced filmmaker and written by an unknown writer, the movie promises to deliver a mix of determination, grit, and comedic moments as the two families go head-to-head in their quest to create an unforgettable celebration for their loved ones.
With a stellar cast including Ferrell and Witherspoon, “You’re Cordially Invited” is set to be a must-watch film for fans of romantic comedies and humorous family dynamics. Get ready to laugh and be entertained as these two families navigate the ups and downs of wedding planning and unexpected twists along the way.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “YOU'RE CORDIALLY INVITED Official Trailer 3 (2025) Reese Witherspoon, Will Ferrell Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/27/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
❤ #ReeseWitherspoon ❤
Wow Reese!!!
moar woke garbage is what we def need
Reece never ages
How about a movie where highly advanced race of space cows visits Earth and first say "we come in peace" and then someone dumb invites them to macdonalds. Or space chickens, and kfc. Or any sort of non-human aliens really.
This has comedy potential but it is still Will Ferrell who really isn't funny sooooo, yeah……