Yunnan Locals’ Latest Craze: Mushroom Hunting in the Mountains

Yunnan Locals’ Latest Craze: Mushroom Hunting in the Mountains

Step into the lush mountains of Yunnan, where the people are currently obsessed with one thing: mushroom foraging. It’s a seasonal tradition that brings families together and fills hearts with joy. The abundance of rain this year has resulted in an abundance of Chicken mushrooms, a beloved delicacy in Yunnan cuisine.

In the early hours of the morning, before the sun rises, we head out with flashlights in hand. The thrill of the hunt fills the air as we navigate through the mountain, searching for the perfect mushrooms to harvest. The earthy scent of the forest surrounds us, creating a sense of connection to nature that is truly special.

Back at home, we gather around the table to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The Chicken mushrooms are cooked to perfection, each bite bursting with flavor. It’s a simple yet luxurious dish that brings a smile to our faces and warms our souls. The love and care that goes into each meal is evident in every bite.

So, if you’re ever in Yunnan, be sure to try mushroom foraging in the mountains. It’s an experience that will stay with you forever, a tradition that will make you feel like a part of the Yunnan community. Join us in our quest for the perfect mushrooms, and savor the delicious flavors of Yunnan cuisine.

Watch the video by 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge

Video “Yunnan people are currently obsessed with one thing: mushroom foraging in the mountains…【滇西小哥】” was uploaded on 08/07/2024 to Youtube Channel 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge