“ZOEY: WEB OF LIES” is a gripping thriller that follows the story of Tommy, who returns to his hometown of New York City after losing his job. With no job prospects, Tommy turns to selling cocaine with his brother Donnie, a veteran drug dealer. However, Tommy’s life takes an unexpected turn when he meets the beautiful Zoey after saving her from an attacker on the street.
Tommy’s life begins to improve as his relationship with Zoey blossoms, but his web of lies quickly unravels. As secrets are revealed and tensions rise, Tommy finds himself in a dangerous game that could cost him everything.
Starring Ruth Maria Flores, Kyle Myhre, and Jason Utnick, and directed and written by Kyle Myhre, “ZOEY: WEB OF LIES” is a thrilling tale of mystery, crime, and deceit. With a TV-MA certificate, this action-packed film is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
For fans of action, thriller, and mystery movies, “ZOEY: WEB OF LIES” is a must-watch. Stay tuned for more exciting films from the Sci-Fi CHANNEL for your daily dose of science fiction and fantasy.
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Video “ZOEY: WEB OF LIES π¬ Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie π¬ English HD 2024” was uploaded on 08/05/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
Nice movie