Created in 1909, Suzuki motorcycles continue to charm us thanks to their design, quality and speed.
This is their story.
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Video “Suzuki, a 100-year history” was uploaded on 09/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Imperial Japan was raping East Asia long before the rise of the NAZIs.
Motosikletler, Suzuki ve diğerleri diye 2'e ayrılır. Kalite olarak Kawasaki 2. Sırada, Yamaha 3., Honda 4. Sıradadır. Kawasaki'yi ilk sıraya koyanlara saygı duyarım fakat amiral gemilerini ve yedek parça durumunu göz önüne alırsak Suzuki öndedir. Hayabusa, Gsxr, Intruder, Burgman, Inazuma en efsane modelleridir. Burgman 200 sahibi olarak şunu söyleyebilirim ki sınıfında daha konforlu bir scooter mevcut değil.. Suzuki, rakiplerine göre teknolojide geri kalmış olabilir fakat malzemeden ve konfordan asla çalmadı. Honda'yı asla kötülemiyorum, insanlar Çin malı motosiklet satın almaktan Honda'nın ucuz motosikletleri sayesinde kurtuldu.
🏃,🦻🏊🏊🛼🛼🦻🚨✏️✏️🐓🐓 vamos allá que tenemos hoy🚨🚨🚨🚨
Xj700 maximum 1985 had it 114 in the top of the 3rd gear and it was marked to 145 and I don't doubt it couldn't.
Intruder tops at 135 don't sound right 😮
😮, ni missade ju den viktigaste rg😓
kawasaki is better?
That voice might be nice for a commercial, but in a documentary it’s mostly irritating. Stopped watching after 5 minutes.
Suzuki Hyper cub like Raider for Vietnam and Thailand market or as Indonesian called Satria F it so damn fast and Dangerous as well… It just little cub, 147cc, weight not over than 110Kilos but can run 140-ish KM/h and with some little tunning it can reach about 180 KM/h 😂