15 Bizarre Facts About Tibet: Women Must Sleep With 20 Men Before Marriage – Video

15 Bizarre Facts About Tibet: Women Must Sleep With 20 Men Before Marriage – Video

15 Strange Things About TIBET! Where Women Must Sleep With 20 Men Before They Can Marry
Tibet, known as the “roof of the world”, is a hidden gem nestled behind majestic mountains, guarding its untold mysteries. The beauty of Tibet is like a mystical painting, sparking curiosity in adventurers eager to discover new wonders.
When you set foot on this sacred land, you’ll witness breathtaking natural scenery, with snow-capped mountain peaks, emerald, green lakes, and vast, expansive grasslands. Breathing in the fresh, pure air, you’ll feel an extraordinary sense of peace and tranquility.
But Tibet isn’t just about stunning landscapes; it’s also home to countless mysteries that intrigue visitors. From the legend of the giant Yeti to the practice of polyandry where brothers share a wife, and even the tradition where Tibetan women must sleep with 20 men before getting married, all these elements contribute to the irresistible allure of this land.
Get ready to explore 15 strange things about Tibet and step into a mystical world where anything can happen, and secrets await your discovery.

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Video “15 Strange Things About TIBET! Where Women Must Sleep With 20 Men Before They Can Marry” was uploaded on 06/12/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest