20 Strange Facts About The World’s Poorest And Dirtiest Country On August 5th, riots erupted in Bangladesh, leading to Prime …
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Video “20 Strange Facts About The World’s Poorest And Dirtiest Country” was uploaded on 08/17/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest
20 Strange Facts About The World’s Poorest And Dirtiest Country
Laws Cock head led.
What is surprising ?? – Bangladesh
A good place to avoid, it seems!
One of the dirtiest country is the united states – facts
Why use videos from THAILAND ???
Fauls information with visuals from another country and with no factual evidence. Please report such contents or videos
As per the Ideal Tax Schedule of 2016, the tax rates are Tk 100 in the case of the first marriage or the first marriage after the death of the first wife, Tk 5,000 for the second marriage with permission from the proper authority during the lifetime of the first wife, Tk 20,000 for the third marriage with permission …7 Feb 2024
Mostly exaggerated stories.
4 marriages create problems in the long run. In India Muslims have this facility.
This is a sponsored video… limited truth padded with opinions from interested parties
Looks like an Indian influenced production.
Dirtiest country??

2 times namaj
5 times crimes
4 times marriage
4 x4 = 16 children
Videos captured on countries like India ,Thailand has been used in this biased documentary to exaggerate Bangladesh situation.
Usa is worse than bangladesh in respect of crimes and divorces due to liberty given to the women
Indian propaganda-Amazing you could not find anything positive.
You can produce a similar negative documentary for any country including USA, canada, etc. Dirty journalism.
U r showing g Khaleda Zia and talking in background about Haseena!!!!!

Speaking of Bangladesh and showing video of Thailand . Hilarious…
Shout out for Africa we are more better than this

This explains the UK Child Grooming and sexual assaults brought to the UK

Bangladesh needs Christianity to help it to be much better.
I know you will not answer my words. Still saying. How do you get so many views on your channel?
This is so interesting to learn about. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely riveting content!
The way you’ve presented the harsh realities and strange customs of Bangladesh is both shocking and enlightening. It’s clear you put a lot of effort into research and storytelling. Keep these thought-provoking videos coming