3-Day Luxury Nile River Cruise from Aswan to Luxor, Egypt 🇪🇬 – Video

3-Day Luxury Nile River Cruise from Aswan to Luxor, Egypt 🇪🇬 – Video

Welcome to the luxury Nile River Cruise from Aswan to Luxor, Egypt, a 3-day journey that promises stunning views and unparalleled luxury. In this video, we will be taking the Movenpick MS Sunray, which is one of the best routes to experience the beautiful Nile River. Join the host as they share their firsthand experience and let you know if this is something worth spending your time and money on when traveling in Egypt.

The Movenpick MS Sunray is known for its luxury Junior Suites and exceptional service. With only 10 guests onboard during the low season, you’ll feel like you have a private cruise ship for the next 3 days. The boat features a sun deck with beach chairs, lounging areas, and a swimming pool, offering the perfect setting to soak in the sun and take in the breathtaking views.

Throughout the video, the host shares their journey, from being received with warmth and hospitality by the friendly staff to exploring the amenities and luxuries on board the ship. They also highlight the option to pay for excursions to different temples and markets, or simply relax and enjoy the tranquility of the Nile.

The Movenpick MS Sunray promises a luxurious and unforgettable experience, offering the perfect blend of comfort, relaxation, and awe-inspiring sights. Whether you’re seeking Nile River cruises in Egypt or simply looking for the best 3-day Nile Cruise from Aswan to Luxor, this video will provide insight into what you can expect from this remarkable journey. So sit back, relax, and let the Nile River cruise transport you to a world of luxury and beauty in ancient Egypt.

Watch the video by Travelwithchris

The luxury Junior Suites on the N cruise from  Aswan to [Music] Luxor I literally read hundreds   of reviews and this was hands down the ship  with the best reviews whiskies wines juices   beers alcoholic drinks non-alcoholic drinks hot  drinks all kinds of stuff I showed you guys the  

Outside let’s head on in and wow look at all the  vibrant colors on the front you can imagine this   whole facade of this Temple once was a mixture  of Reds blues and yellows what’s up everybody   welcome back to another beautiful day here  in Aswan Egypt now today I’m super excited  

Because as you can tell I’m on a boat I’m on the  water and today we are about to embark on a 3-day   cruise from Aswan to Luxor which is actually  a very popular trip most people that come to  

Egypt Embark in a Nile cruise and well there’s  many different itineraries some people come from   Luxor down to Aswan some from Aswan up to Luxor  and I’m not sure if there’s cruises that are a  

Little bit longer that go all the way to Cairo  I’m not too sure but today we are on board the   moven pic Ms Sunray which is actually one of the  luxury Cruise Lines here on the Nile there’s quite  

A bit of options however I chose to go with  this option because you can’t go wrong with   a moven pick anywhere in the world now I actually  stayed at at the moven pic Resort Aswan last night  

Which in my opinion was incredible definitely  a great place to spend a few days if you’re in   Aswan especially if you’re coming here as a family  and well today we’re on board the moveen pick Ms  

Sunray I almost said that wrong and no this video  is not sponsored at all um I’m going to give you   guys an honest outlook on the cruise and tell you  guys if it is worth the price in my opinion and  

Of course if I recommend it to you guys by the  end of the journey now up here we’re actually   on the Sund deck and up here they have all kinds  of um yeah beach chairs tables places to lounge  

Around you can imagine cruising the Nile and just  sitting down right here soaking in all of the sun   now this boat is Big right there’s a lot of room  guess how many guests are on board today only 10  

So um it’s actually low season right now in Egypt  and there’s only 10 people on board the MS Sunray   which means we pretty much got a private cruise  ship for the next 3 days how awesome is that over  

There they got like a mini bar coffee tea station  and then there’s a swimming pool up front which   we actually walk up to right now now I’m very  impressed so far because I’ve never been on a  

Cruise ship before in my life this is the very  first time I’ve always refused for some reason   I’m not sure why but the moment I walked in I was  like wow man this feels like a festar hotel and  

You couldn’t have told me that I was inside of a  boat from the moment I walked in now this here is   the swimming pool and it’s actually winter right  now it’s been around 15 to 16° C every day but  

Today the sun is shining so I might actually go  in for a swim yeah I think that’s going to have to   happen they actually got some uh beach chairs with  towels here on the sides right now man this boat  

Is awesome and these staff are incredibly friendly  they received me with lots of love you actually   get received on the on the actual Street side  there’s actually one more ship um docked up on   the side of us but you get received on the street  side and then there’s um employees for moving pick  

That actually help you with your luggage bring it  all the way down into the ship and then of course   escort you to your room and give you you know the  whole night yards the the room tour introduce you  

To staff all of those things that make you feel  at home but yeah today we are going to be leaving   Aswan actually we’re not leaving Aswan until  5: in the morning tomorrow right now a couple  

Other people that are on board are actually out on  excursions you can actually opt in to um pay for   excursions as any other Cruise liner in the world  you can pay for excursions to different temples  

Different markets I opted to just hang out here  in Aswan for today and so I’m going to show you   guys around the boats and then I’m just going to  relax I didn’t really want to do a whole lot I’ve  

Been non-stop the last few days and I booked this  cruise to relax enjoy the views down the Nile and   most importantly just man enjoy the luxury side of  Egypt all right well let’s make our way downstairs  

And then I’m going to show you guys where should  we kick this tour off I actually don’t want to   go into the lounge yet because there are a few  people in there hanging out and you know I don’t  

Want to interrupt anybody with the camera so let’s  actually head to the bedroom that’s a nice way to   kick off the tour so this ship is actually Four  floors and right now we were on the Sund deck this  

Here is the third floor which is super beautiful  hello sir and this here is like the main Corridor   reception second floor a jewelry shop and this  here is like a nice little seating area another   bathroom common bathroom and then look at the  views now the best part about the ship is that  

Every level you look outside the window man it  changes the perspective of of the view here they   got like an emergency safety plan which I should  probably look over because I’ve never been on a   ship before and I don’t know like the safety  protocols over in that direction is the the bar  

Lounge area now this here is my hallway which is  on the third floor and I’m actually in the junior   suite rooms which are located in the front of the  boats you guys are about to be truly impressed by  

This now this here is where the magic happens baby  just kidding not today but this here is the master   bedroom I got a KingSize bed they even put a nice  little touch in the Middle look at that fer rer  

Chocolate can’t go wrong I got a desk over here an  espresso machine coffee on the man and of course   a beautiful view of the n and not just one view I  got two views look at this how cool is that huh I  

Could just sit right here drink my coffee man I  got my tissue right here what a bad look I blew   my nose as soon as I walked in here but um yeah I  can drink my coffee right here on this chair enjoy  

The views look at the couch nice little fruit  basket that I’ll definitely be destroying during   my trip television dresser a bench over here we  actually got a telephone and you can dial room   service dial reception the bar yeah you can order  whiskies to your room and the most dangerous part  

About that is they put it on the tab and you pay  out the end so we’ll see exactly what the damage   costs at the end now with the junior suite you  actually get a Wi-Fi router which is super cool  

And handy to have on board now this here is my  closet I actually got um some extra pillows I   just hung up my sweaty shirts extra blankets two  life jackets we’ll slide this over and right here  

I have a safe laundry bag and slippers and then  here is the bathroom super clean I don’t really   want to step in there with my shoes but hey why  not and for the video sake I want to see what’s  

Inside of here wow shower caps vanity kids Combs  toothbrushes lotion conditioner soaps down there   you got shampoo conditioner soap yeah man this  is awesome I wonder if there’s a time limit on   boats for how long you can shower not that I take  hour long showers but I’m just very curious on the  

Setup of a boats I’ve never been on a cruise ship  before I should do more more often this is awesome   what’s over here milk teas coffees Kettle yeah the  usual stuff oh down here a refrigerator with water sodas they got a sewing kit a  shoe M what the hell is a shoe

M but yeah guys this here is my junior suite the  luxury junior suite on the N Cru from Aswan to   Luxor how amazing is this let me know down in the  comments section what do you guys think about the  

Room I also forgot to mention the beautiful  flower bouquet is this real yeah they’re real   wow they’re beautiful it’s actually yeah smell  nice but yeah let me know what you guys think  

Of this let me know if you guys are a huge fan  of cruise ships or not and you know what I think   I’m going to take a few minutes to relax and then  we’ll work our way down to lunch because there is  

A lunch right now starting at around 12:30 and  later on tonight they got belly dancing so now   that I showed you the room let’s head down  to lunch because the first meal is already   ready now oh man this place smells incredible  the hallways have like this really nice scent  

Almost like the one that we that they had at the  moven pick maybe it’s a moven pck sents I’m not   sure um but yeah here is the I don’t know what  do you call it the main Corridor the reception  

Is down at the bottom it’s actually four floors  the dining hall is under the reception over here   they have a nice little jewelry section where  you can purchase some gifts to take home with you and I’ll show you guys the bar area here  in a little bit but first let’s get down there  

To lunch now they also have some uh gift shops  where you can purchase like you know some wraps   luggages and look $5 not bad at all magnets this  boat is truly incredible now I’ve never done any  

Other cruises before in my life but if you guys  want to see more cruises here on the Channel   please let me know down in the comment section  because I will definitely be able to make that  

Happen for you and I want to make a lot more of  those happen in the near future so for now time   for lunch hello sir hello um downstairs is lunch  thank you so much look at the view doesn’t get   old and and from every floor it actually  gives you a little different perspective  

Unique angles of denial okay down here is the  restaurant hello sir hello Hi how are you good   good wow smells amazing that one right there  okay so this here is the restaurant down at   the bottom of the ship look at how beautiful it  is super um well organized and there’s actually  

Only 10 people on board so here’s the salad bar  you got all kinds of different mix of salads   veggies over here we got a little variety of  soups we got cream of mushroom vermicelli soup   they actually have grilled fish with lemon  butter that looks amazing chicken cordon blue  

Sauteed vegetables french fries ve all kinds  of pastas fruits desserts zucchini man just a   wide selection of all kinds of dishes and of  course a nice variety of vegetarian and meat options so I’m actually on my second plate right  now but the dining room was full with other guests  

I wanted to be respectful let me just tell you  guys the food on board First Impressions Next   Level they got a nice variety of Western dishes  Egyptian dishes and then they even got like some   Indian cuisine on board now as I mentioned  in the beginning of the video there’s only 10  

People on board I just got done meeting them  a few of them are from Australia others from   European countries and let me just tell you guys  it looks like we got a nice little crew on board  

And this cordon blue is nothing to play with  now um with the meals I believe only water is   included however they do have a menu on board a  beverage list where you can actually order yeah   whiskies wines juices beers alcoholic drinks  non-alcoholic drinks hot drinks all kinds of  

Stuff and the prices are very reasonable as  well about the same prices that I was paying   back at the M pick hotel for a soda around 60  Egyptian which I believe is about $150 and and  

Let me just throw out a glass of wine um Grand  Maris red about $900 so around $30 I believe   that’s for the bottle um yeah that’s for the  bottle so not terrible yeah Scotch whiskies   whiskies get kind of expensive 1,00 I wonder  if that’s for the bottle or just the cup I’m  

Not too sure but definitely going to have a  few of those tonight um because there is a   belly dance performance tonight at 8:30 how’s it  going sir and uh they told me to show up there  

A little bit early for to get a good seat but  guess what there’s only 10 people on board so   I don’t really have to worry about that too  much man this whole experience is amazing so   far and we’re just getting started how cool  is this right let me give you guys another

Look and the best part about this seat is you  get perfect view of the Nile all the cell boats   passing through it’s a good time I’m going to  finish up my meal and then we’ll see what we   get into now that we’re absolutely stuffed  let me show you guys around the lounge bar  

Area where the belly dancing is actually going  to take place later on today now this here is   the entrance to the bar I love the mirrors they a  nice touch over in this direction you have a Gym   treadmill elliptical a couch for someone like  me to watch other people workouts and look at  

This yeah while you got the treadmill you got a  nice view of denal as well television it’s nice   to see what’s over in the other direction oh  this here is like a little conference meeting room and then over in this direction is the actual  lounge and bar look plenty of nice seating areas  

It’s a super cozy place this boat just makes  you feel right at home look at those couches   later on tonight it’s going to be a show they’re  bringing the belly dancers on in here and I love  

How yeah it’s just so welcoming right you want to  just sit down on each sofa on each chair they got   a little dance floor right here it’s truly  incredible and then a fully loaded bar with   all of your favorite drinks of course alcoholic  and non-alcoholic I can’t wait for tonight I’m  

So excited I will it’s make sure about that  it’s going to be a good time thank you thank   you brother the staff on board yes thank you the  staff on board are amazing as well make you feel  

Right at home all right well now that I gave  you guys a a tour of the boats I’ll show you   guys actually look there’s all kinds of cruise  ships that um work their way down the n i mean  

Look at how many are around us so yeah there’s  so many different options but um this is the one   that I chose do some research you know if you  guys like the boat that I’m on then feel free  

To book this one I’ll leave the information down  below that way you guys don’t have to jump around   and read reviews like I did I literally read  hundreds of reviews and this was hands down  

The ship with the best reviews and I was like I’m  going on it so um I’ll leave the links down below   that way you guys don’t have to worry about all  of that and then back here there’s also some more  

Seating area which is nice you can sit down enjoy  the views of the river as you’re cruising on back   what’s back here oh these are the safety boats  you got to have safety boats come on we’ve all  

Seen the Titanic all right Chris stop talking  about Titanic when you’re on a boat not a good   look all right well right now I’m going to get  changed and then I think I’m actually going to  

Jump onto the Sund deck and go jump in the pool  wow look at this sailboat man that’s a huge sell I would love to get on one of those to  be honest maybe I’ll go down there and maybe  

That’s what I’ll do today maybe I’ll just go  on a little river cruise through us one but   then again I don’t know I’m feeling a little  bit I want to have a chill day you know you  

Guys ever get that way when you’re traveling  like you you wake up one morning and you just   don’t want to do nothing that’s how I feel today  especially after entering a super cozy ship it’s  

Like why would I want to leave the ship you know  all right I’ll catch up with you guys here in a minute just spent a few hours hanging out by  the pool man I knocked out on these chairs  

Look at the sun it’s starting to go down such  a beautiful day here on an island I didn’t get   off the ship once man I’m about to get off  right now to go buy an iPhone charger but  

This is exactly what I needed now I’m actually  going to um well while I was having my lunch   an Australian family invited me to join their  table for dinner so I’ll just grab a couple   shots but I won’t talk too much and then of  course I’ll record the belly dancing and all  

The activities that go on later on on tonight but  right now it is tea time on the boats and because   there’s only 10 people on the boat all these  snacks are mine so you know what we’re going  

To take a couple a couple of each n I’m joking  just one of these and one of these that should   be good but yeah I mean coming on a cruise  by yourself has its perks sometimes so I’m  

Going to sit down right here I actually don’t  want any tea they got tea coffee the gentleman   just went downstairs but yeah they got te’s  coffees I just um don’t want one right now   at the moment because I’m probably going to have  a couple whiskey here in a little bit so um yeah

Cheers the food on the boat  even the cookies really good I’m excited to set sell because I’ve never been on a boat like this  before and I’m curious to see if you   can actually like feel feel it going  up or down or not or is it like fully

Stable things that I think about you know yeah  these are nice all right guys well I’m about to   go into town buy an iPhone charger and then  I’ll see you guys is down in the lounge for   the belly dancing actually it’s dinner before  then belly dancing so we just got done with  

Our dinner dinner was incredible I actually had  me an amazing steak and potatoes with veggies a   beautiful chocolate dessert and they brought out  all kinds of appetizers now right now we’re on   the third floor belly dancing is about to start  they got live music man this ship is awesome and  

I’ve also just made some incredibly incredible  new friends and because our cruise is so small   I’ve I’ve gotten to know everybody uh quite well  so far now let me show you guys a little bit of  

The belly dancing performance and then I think  it’s time to call it a night because I got to   get some sleep and then tomorrow the cruise is  going to start making its way all the way up to [Music] Luxor [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh

Good morning guys so last night we fell asleep  after the belly dancing performance and let me   just tell you guys that was incredible it was  such a fun time they brought out a good team  

They brought us all out on the Dance Floor even  though I had no rhythm you know I still gave gave   it a go and it made for an awesome experience  now this morning I woke up at 6:30 to try and  

Get some footage of the boat mov turns out we had  already arrived to our destination I didn’t feel   a thing last night so yeah pretty incredible huh I  actually like that I want to take more cruises now  

Because I like that feeling of just like falling  asleep somewhere and waking up somewhere else but   right now we are in a place called isbat Al bayara  and this place is famous for the komombo temple  

And actually um the other 10 people or the other  nine people left this morning on an Excursion and   I decided to just stay in I’m relaxing man that’s  why I booked this Cruise so this here is breakfast   because there’s not many people on board they  just brought out a little selection of Breads  

And H and salami and cheeses coffee juice and  I’m going to enjoy it with this beautiful view   and here in a little bit we’ll actually go out  and explore and we’ll see if I end up filming  

Something or not but I’m super excited to be here  we’re going to be here the entire day according to   uh the gentleman that brought me my food so uh  plenty of time for activities I’ll see exactly  

What I get into and I think that’s what I’m going  to end up doing right now is just filming a bunch   of b-roll over the course of the next two days  that way I don’t bore you with breakfast lunch  

And dinner but let me just tell you guys if  you’re looking to experience a nle cruise man   this is the way to do it with the moving pick  it’s honestly super incredible and there’s not  

One bit of detail that’s missing on this boats  all right I’m going to dive on into this I think   this is boow cheese oh can’t do that one but um  I’ll have a couple of these cheeses um probably  

Destroy the bread platter my coffee and then  I’ll head on out and start exploring it looks   like there’s also another cruise ship in front  of us I wonder if there’s one more behind us   there probably is but what a beautiful place  waking up on the Nile man what a dream come true

All right guys so I made a little bit of a  mistake I didn’t look at the itinerary and   now we’re selling off it’s 9:00 in the morning I  actually did some work on the computer and then  

I was like okay I’m going to get off and go see  the okum temple I believe it was and I missed it   I got out the shower and we were already well on  our way so the next up is actually um after lunch  

It’s going to be a place called The edu Temple  and I’m absolutely going to jump off and explore   that now the itinerary for today is well cumbo  is where we sell to this morning the temple that  

I missed man if you’re on a cruise ship pay  attention to the itinerary and the times so I   re I read it wrong I thought we were going to be  there all day now we are going to I guess there’s  

A fire drill at 11:00 lunch on board barbecue  12:30 and then we visit the Ed food Temple at   around 300 p.m. then we got a 2 hours there and  an afternoon tea before we sell to luxur via asna  

So it’s going to be a long day we got an oriental  show tonight and then we’re going to be spending   overnight in Luxor um so I’ll be seeing you guys  at the edu Temple maybe I’ll show you guys what  

The lunch is looking like they also have a um  cocktail hour today which should be very nice   to enjoy especially with a view like this but  overall I mean that’s what you come on an aisle   cruise for some people get out and explore  the temples other others come here to relax  

Personally I was on the relax Vibe and so I just  saw everybody’s photos about the com uh Ki Temple   so man don’t relax on this ship get out and see  everything God hopefully I get the chance to do  

This again all right I’ll see you guys at the edu  Temple we should be there in about um I think 2 3   hours according to the itinerary and look at the  look at the views guys I mean this is stunning  

So today we got pretty much a whole day sailing  besides those two stops so it’s nice that we get   to admire all the different views of the n look at  this boat getting pulled by a tugboat it’s truly

Incredible yeah let me know if you guys want  to see more cruise videos around the world   I definitely want to go on some some like crazy  cruise ships now because you know this is a small  

Little introductory cruise but I’d love to go and  do like yeah one of those like 14 days across the   Mediterranean or across the Caribbean I  think that’d be awesome yeah look at the tugboat so we just arrived in a town called edu  and man lunch was incredible they had a  

Wide selection of all kinds of great items on  the menu we had lasagna turkey it was great but   now I am in edfu and yeah I don’t really  know what we’re going to do here in this   part of the city there is a famous temple  but to be honest with you guys yesterday  

In Aswan I tried walking around to ATMs and I  couldn’t find one with any cash in it so I have   no cash on me the plan is to find an ATM and  then we’ll try and make it to the edu Temple  

Because I definitely want to see that place I  saw it on Google Maps and it looks incredible   but this town man looks very interesting a lot  different than every other place I’ve been to   this trip maybe because well it’s location in  the middle of the Nile there’s not really any  

Other big cities around here but yeah a lot of  people come here for the Edo Temple and the edu   pyramid which both look very very interesting  there’s also a lot of Tuk tuugs here in this area a lot of the tourists are already on their  carriages and heading towards those areas I would  

Have hopped on one as well but I have no cash  so I’ll put the camera down I’ll look for an ATM   and then yeah we’ll see we’ll see what happens  if we actually make it to the temple or not we  

Got 2 hours here so should be plenty of time  for activities well now let’s start venturing   off inside of the temple I showed you guys the  outside let’s head on in and wow look at all the   vibrant colors on the front you can imagine  this whole facade of this Temple once was a  

Mixture of Reds blues and yellows we made it back  to the boat and I haven’t actually showed you the   boat from the outside so let me give you guys  a little look this here is the the moven pick  

Sunray that we’ve been cruising on how amazing is  it it’s a beautiful boat four floors my room’s on   the third floor yeah that one that you can see  right there with the curved Windows that’s where  

The lounge is it’s a beauty of a ship right  and I find it quite impressive that we have   such a large team on board and there’s only 10  of us on board I love it though I wouldn’t try I  

I I think I made the best decision on choosing  this ship this morning we arrived here to the   beautiful city of Luxor and let me just tell you  guys waking up on the N is just a dream come true  

Now this here is the West Bank of Luxor the East  Bank is where we are now and the Valley of the   Kings is actually out there onto the distance  now once you’re here you can actually head off  

On many different excursions you can go to the  Valley of the Queens the Valley of the Kings to   Cara there’s an abundance of things you can do  look at the local fishermen out on the Nile this  

Morning it is beautiful out here but this here  is where this video is going to come to an end   now we’re actually parked here all day we’re  sleeping here tonight then waking up again to   this beautiful view so I hope you guys enjoyed  the beautiful Nile Cruise last nights I had an  

Enjoyable time the dinner was incredible the  food on this ship is just met be met all of my   expectations actually beyond my expectations and  honestly I don’t think there’s another brand of  

A cruise that can do what the moven pick has done  here um on the N River so if you want to come on   out here and enjoy a n river cruise from Aswan  to Luxor from Luxor to Aswan then the moven pick  

Boat is definitely a great option for you and your  family now right now I’m actually going to put the   camera down I’m going to head off into the Valley  of the Kings but that video is going to be half  

Or that video is gonna have to be its own video  because come on the Valley of the Kings is such   a special place and it’s a dream destination  for many so I hope you enjoyed this video for  

Now I’ll let you guys go and I’ll see you again  soon for another video from here in Egypt later guys I was the one to take love I remember  how we started do realize what my Supply

Video “Luxury Nile River Cruise from Aswan to Luxor, Egypt 🇪🇬 (3 Days)” was uploaded on 01/27/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Travelwithchris on Gretopia