Experts Question Long-Term Impact of Germany’s Reintroduction of Border Checks to Curb Migration

Experts Question Long-Term Impact of Germany’s Reintroduction of Border Checks to Curb Migration

Germany has taken a bold step in reintroducing temporary border checks at its borders with neighboring countries like France and the Netherlands. This move comes as part of the country’s efforts to address irregular migration and cross-border crime.

The decision to tighten border controls comes at a time when Germany’s coalition government is facing pressure to crack down on migration following a significant increase in arrivals, particularly from individuals escaping conflict and poverty in the Middle East. This surge in migration has also led to a rise in support for far-right and conservative opposition parties in the country.

While the reintroduction of border checks may seem like a necessary step to address these concerns, experts are questioning the long-term impact of such measures. Some argue that while temporary borders checks may help to control the flow of migrants in the short term, they may not provide a sustainable solution to the underlying issues driving migration.

It remains to be seen how Germany’s decision to reintroduce border checks will affect its overall approach to migration and its relations with neighboring countries. As the debate continues, it is clear that the issue of migration will remain a key challenge for policymakers in Germany and across Europe.

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Video “Germany reintroduces border checks to curb migration, experts question long-term impact” was uploaded on 09/16/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English