Biden calls for finalizing Gaza deal and ending war in the region

Biden calls for finalizing Gaza deal and ending war in the region

US President Joe Biden delivered a powerful speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, urging Israel and Hamas to finalize a ceasefire proposal that has been on the table for months. He expressed his commitment to putting an end to the ongoing Gaza war, emphasizing the importance of bringing the hostages home, ensuring security for both Israel and Gaza, easing the suffering in Gaza, and ultimately bringing an end to the conflict.

The ceasefire deal, brokered by the United States, Qatar, and Egypt, has the potential to bring much-needed stability to the region and alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Biden’s call for the parties to come together and finalize the terms of the agreement signals a renewed sense of urgency in resolving the conflict and preventing further loss of life.

With tensions escalating and casualties mounting, the international community has been closely watching the situation in Gaza. Biden’s push for a swift resolution to the war highlights the need for all parties involved to prioritize the well-being of civilians and work towards a lasting peace.

As the world waits to see how the situation unfolds, Biden’s strong stance at the UN represents a crucial step towards achieving a much-needed ceasefire and bringing an end to the violence in Gaza.

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Video “Biden says now ‘time to finalise’ Gaza deal and ‘end this war’ • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/24/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English