In a chilling new documentary by Al Jazeera World, the mysterious disappearance of over 2,000 Yemenite babies who arrived in Israel in the 1950s has come to light. The babies, suspected victims of irregular adoption, were part of a larger wave of Jewish immigrants who fled persecution in Yemen and arrived in Israel in 1949.
The documentary explores the haunting question of why these babies disappeared and where they ultimately ended up. Many families have spent decades searching for answers, hoping to uncover the truth behind the sudden disappearance of their loved ones.
The film delves deep into the heartbreaking stories of parents who were told their babies had died shortly after birth, only to later discover that their children had been taken from them and placed with other families for adoption. Some families were even given fake death certificates, adding to the confusion and sense of betrayal.
The documentary sheds light on a dark chapter in Israel’s history, raising questions about the ethics of adoption practices in the country at the time. It also highlights the anguish and trauma that the families of the missing babies have endured for decades, as they continue to search for answers and closure.
As the search for the truth continues, the documentary serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of uncovering and acknowledging past wrongs. It is a stark reminder of the devastating impact that such actions can have on individuals and families, and the need for accountability and justice in the face of injustice.
Watch the video by Al Jazeera English
Video “Why did over 2,000 Yemenite babies disappear in 1950s Israel? | Al Jazeera World Documentary” was uploaded on 10/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English
I am convinced israelis are gog magog. There's no way any normal people would be this evil.
Israel and its supporters are shameless
What is Isreal ?
Fake Jews stole real jews' babies, stole Arabs' lands, hijacked teachingsbof Judaism and forced American tax payers to feed them… And they can claim they are G-d's chosen people…
This chanel is showing truth…
It's 70 year old history. What does it matter anymore.
Unfortunately, there is a lot to hate about Israel. This report a small drop on the pile of Israeli atrocities.
Is there is any special reason why this is reported now?!
What if they used those kids against their nation with military education?
This was just after the Palestinians met Hitler and Himmler to ask for help with the Jews.🤔
Al Jazeera the great news network
This is what they did to own people. Imagine what they have done to Palestinian people, reflective of the mass killing and destruction the world witnessed by the world.
Not surprised disgusting Israelis
So conclusion is Israel was racist toward Arab Jews…surprise surprise–helps us understand how racist they are to non-Jewish Arabs!
proven to be a conspiracy
How many Jews remain in Yemen today?
We have fallen for west propaganda for so many years , the evils were shown morals and human and vice versa
They gave injections to Ethiopian Jewish ladies!
Gigi & Bella Hadid father said when Jews were oppressed in Europe and their ship was denied entrance to UK, USA they head to Palestine. Palestinians open their hearts & homes to those refugees! His father took 2 families into his home for 2 years. When Haddid pregnant mother was about to deliver him, she went to his grandparents house. When she returned home her guests took over her house and wouldn't let her in. Pal. then became the refugees in their own country !!!
This channel could not sleep a night without spreading hate about Israel 😂
Money can buy anything anywhere.🌍💯🎪
Respect for Truth
Please discuss (The Isroli Skin Bank) and Controversies Surrounding Organ Harvesting.