“What the Night Can Do” is a heartwarming drama that follows 12-year-old Luana as she navigates the challenges of adolescence. Directed by Christopher Martini, the film explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery.
Luana is faced with the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings while her father struggles with his own personal demons. As she grapples with the complexities of growing up, Luana finds solace in the beauty of the night and the comfort it brings.
The film boasts a talented cast including Peyton Kennedy as Luana, JoBeth Williams as Luana’s grandmother, and Stacey Moseley as Luana’s mother. Each actor delivers a poignant performance that captures the emotional depth of their characters.
Written by Christopher Martini and Adam Chanzit, “What the Night Can Do” offers viewers a touching story of resilience, strength, and the enduring power of family bonds. It is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartfelt narrative that explores the complexities of coming of age in the face of adversity.
Watch the video by Kinopower
Video “What the Night Can Do (Drama) Full Movie” was uploaded on 11/16/2024 to Youtube Channel Kinopower
I’m not sure if I’m going to watch the rest of this. Because so far everyone is a lier but the mom grandma women I not sure if it’s the mans man and daughter grandma
لا تضيعوا وقتكم فيلم ممل
Alot of these movies are the same they just change the name I have seen this one 3 times under different names 😮
jika anda mengharaf ada tontonan kikuk kikuk maka anda salah tempat
I think the cartoon is very provocative is not suitable for kid or even teenager