Creating Dvaledraumar: Wardruna & Jonna Jinton’s Collaboration

Creating Dvaledraumar: Wardruna & Jonna Jinton’s Collaboration

In the mesmerizing video titled “The Creation of Dvaledraumar,” we are taken on a journey behind the scenes of the making of the incredible song by Wardruna and Jonna Jinton. This collaboration unfolds as a 15-minute piece that tells the story of a hibernating bear and its winter dreams, narrated from the bear’s own perspective. The song is a part of Wardruna’s new album Birna, which is dedicated to the majestic bear and its woodland realm.

The magical ambiance of the song is brought to life by the haunting vocals and field recordings of Jonna Jinton, accompanied by the enchanting sounds of the willow-bark flute by Hans Fredrik Jacobsen. The creative process and tools used in the making of this special piece are shared in this video, giving us a glimpse into the intricate world of musical storytelling.

As we delve deeper into the making of “Dvaledraumar,” we are reminded of the deep connection between nature, music, and storytelling. The song captures the essence of the bear’s seasonal life rhythm and invites us to immerse ourselves in its dreamlike world.

Overall, “The Creation of Dvaledraumar” offers a unique insight into the collaborative process between Wardruna and Jonna Jinton, showcasing the dedication and passion that went into creating this remarkable song.

Watch the video by Jonna Jinton

Video “The Creation of Dvaledraumar – Wardruna & Jonna Jinton” was uploaded on 01/31/2025. Watch all the latest Videos by Jonna Jinton on Gretopia