In a candid and revealing conversation on ‘The Interview’ podcast from ‘The New York Times,’ pop superstar Lady Gaga opened up about a deeply personal struggle she faced in 2020 – being diagnosed with psychosis. The singer shared the harrowing experience of losing touch with reality, and how she fought her way back from the darkness with the help of her fiancé, Michael Polansky.
Gaga shared her hesitancy to speak about her mental health struggles, but ultimately decided to share her story in the hopes of helping others who may be going through similar challenges. The singer’s bravery in sharing her journey to recovery is not only a testament to her resilience, but also highlights the importance of seeking help and support during difficult times.
Fans were shocked to learn of Lady Gaga’s diagnosis and the toll it took on her mental well-being. However, her openness and vulnerability in discussing her struggles serves as a powerful reminder that mental health is just as important as physical health, and that seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of.
Lady Gaga’s story is a reminder that even celebrities struggle with their mental health, and her message of hope and resilience is sure to resonate with listeners. Her journey to healing serves as an inspiration to those who may be struggling with their own mental health issues, and emphasizes the importance of talking openly about these challenges.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Lady Gaga Diagnosed With Psychosis and Lost Touch With Reality” was uploaded on 03/11/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Maybe she backed off the demonic worship and rituals
Lol surely not
Love her transparency. Mental illness can affect anyone, at any time. Stop the stigma. Take care of your mental health & support others struggling with theirs
Uppers damage ur brain and can cause psychosis or schizophrenia, as messed up as lean is it’s still healthier mentally than snow
How is this news? It's obvious she's still has it today based on her behavior. She's trying to play victim card as Hollywood creeps tend to do…but now those psychosis are just hidden by her fame and publicist
So she had an exorcism?
I feel so sad for this news. We must protect her
What pains me is that people will listen to this, talk about her bravery, talk about how you admire her, and speak about how we all need to look after each other but….. The sad truth is that most of you will abandon your closest friends or families if they ever experienced this? Why? Because severe mental illness, especially psychosis, is ugly and tough and difficult and hurtful. And most of you well meaning people……. you will fucking break. I speak from personal experience having gone through severe mental health trauma. The people i thought were my friends, who went to gaga concerts with me, who lived with me, and who i relied on….. suddenly vilified me, hated me, shat on me, whilst simultaneously resharing posts about mental health. and when you wake in a hospital bed with very little memory, and those people ostracise you?? You learn…… People are full of shit, people are liars, people will display one face to the world to prove theyre “provressive” but be secretly predjudiced and nasty. So i read these comments praising gaga and i think ….. if you were there, with her, in those moments, no matter what lovely words you say right now….. YOU probably would have abandoned her because you wouldnt have been able to cope being around her because she wouldnt have been “serving your needs”. So STFU
I love her 😍
She is so strong
Shes spoken out about using antipsychotics for years now. This is nothing new
I scheduled appointments and answered the phone for hospitals at one point. I can tell you that people, in general, will tell you every disgusting horrible thing about their bodies with no problem at all, but then whisper about mental health stuff.
Now it makes sense 😂
Turn away from satan before it's too late!
Guru Gaga.
I have mental health issues too! 🖤
I wish her nothing but happiness, bless her for bringing so much joy to so many people
She sold her soul I'm not surprised
I thought she'd be awesome forever but upon producing bloody Mary 🤮 disgusting absolutely disgusting !!!🤮
Psychosis? No sh..t! . Have you seen the Jocker movie you made?
All these celebrities love to say they have some sort of mental illness. It’s cool. You can be a victim. You can be part of the club. You’re not mentally ill. You have no idea what Ill is. Everyone says they are bipolar or depression or anxiety or schizophrenia or turrets or autism. Pick one and join the fun. Be a victim! It’s so cool!
Too muck Cocain…play with De il
As someone working in psychology field, I deeply respect her. And as a 16-year little monster, I’m amazed how she can channel all that chaos into a masterpiece
Maybe stop attending marina abramovic spirit cooking dinners with barefoot red head children
It’s the world we live in now. It’s effecting a lot of people.
half psychotic sick hypnotic
Happens to the best of us
Stop worshiping Satan
Click bait‼️
Lady meth.😂
Love you Gaga. ❤❤❤
She has to stop selling her soul to the devils.
What about Trump? How do diagnose that?
her partner looks like a warm cuddly throw rug and i mean that in the nicest possible way
Psychosis is not a diagnosis…
Crazy how she never ever talks about what triggered all this trouble: like heavy use of coke and drugs.