Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be among the first to witness the game-changing Tesla TinyHouse 2025. With 19 mind-blowing features that will revolutionize the way we think about housing, this tiny home is set to make a huge impact on the market. From sustainable living to cutting-edge technology, this is a glimpse into the future of modern living.
Join Adam Tech as we delve into the details of Elon Musk’s latest creation and discover what makes this tiny house so special. With innovative designs, functional spaces, and disaster-proof features, this is a housing solution that is ahead of its time.
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Video “Elon Musk's Under $7,579 Tesla Tiny House 2025 FINALLY HERE. 19 Mind-Blowing Features MIX” was uploaded on 03/09/2025 to Youtube Channel ADAM TECH
I really need one of these
Sooo how do I go about getting one of these homes to Australia???
I need 4 module’s
When will these be available for delivery? How hard will it be to get them approved for local building departments?
How can I become an investor?
1 3 modules. Amazing
1 as a senior I need one now. How about pets? (2 cats)
God bless you Elon!! Your are a genius that wants the best for the whole wide world! No sentient being left behind….i loved every feature of the Tesla tiny house and the boxables– i believe in sustainable living conditions… i believe that USA would benefit so much if Tesla houses were the substitute for what exist nowadays!! People would become happier..Thank you Elon for existing and making planet earth better than ever! Hopefully i can afford one in this lifetime–
How do I get one anywhere.
AOC an idiot calling Elon, an American loving patriot, stupid. FYI garage 25’long.
Wheelchair ♿❤
WTG Elon😊
Where can I buy this house? i retired, wanna buy it right now. Please respond in details. Thanks!
Como asemos para comprar una tierra en las afueras de ny
قالَ الربُّ يَسوعُ: «أَنَا هُوَ الكَرْمَةُ الحَقِيقِيَّةُ وأَبِي الكَرَّام.كُلُّ غُصْنٍ فِيَّ لا يَحْمِلُ ثَمَرًا يَقْطَعُهُ، وكُلُّ غُصْنٍ يَحْمِلُ ثَمَرًا يُنَقِّيهِ لِيَحْمِلَ ثَمَرًا أَكْثَر.أَنْتُمُ الآنَ أَنْقِيَاءُ بِفَضْلِ الكَلِمَةِ الَّتِي كَلَّمْتُكُم بِهَا.أُثْبُتُوا فِيَّ، وأَنَا فِيكُم. كَمَا أَنَّ الغُصْنَ لا يَقْدِرُ أَنْ يَحْمِلَ ثَمَرًا مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ ذَاتِهِ، إِنْ لَمْ يَثْبُتْ في الكَرْمَة، كَذلِكَ أَنْتُم أَيْضًا إِنْ لَمْ تَثْبُتُوا فِيَّ.أَنَا هُوَ الكَرْمَةُ وأَنْتُمُ الأَغْصَان. مَنْ يَثْبُتُ فِيَّ وأَنَا فِيه، يَحْمِلُ ثَمَرًا كَثيرًا، لأَنَّكُم بِدُونِي لا تَقْدِرُونَ أَنْ تَفْعَلُوا شَيْئًا……………………..
I kiss your hand, but I beg you to publish my comment so that people can see it. By God, our days and nights pass and we have nothing. Where are the merciful hearts? Our situation is difficult. Our situation is difficult. By God, I wrote these words only out of distress and cruelty. Circumstances, people, your hearts have become devoid of mercy, compassion and humanity. How much I have complained and cried, how much I have called and how much I have pleaded, but there is no life for those you call upon. Is it pleasing to you that my brothers are crying and dying of hunger while you are here? God knows that we do not have a kilo of flour. My father died and my brothers are young. We have no one. By God, they slept hungry yesterday, crying from pain and suffering. Oh good people, are you satisfied that we have been without food since yesterday? Oh brothers in Christ, oh benefactors, I swear on the Holy Book that I will not lie to you, I will not cheat, I will not cheat. I am a displaced Yemeni girl. My family and I have a monthly rent of 20,000 Yemeni riyals, and now we owe 60,000 for three months. The landlord is one of those people who have no mercy. By God, my brother, every day he comes to humiliate us and talk about us and wants to throw us out of the house into the street because we cannot pay him the rent. He does not leave until we cry and go back and tell the neighbors and give them a deadline until the end of the week. If we do not pay, he throws us out into the street without mercy. We are displaced from our country because of this war. We do not find our daily sustenance and we live with my mother and my young brothers and my father passed away, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in the world to stand with us in these harsh circumstances and I do not have older brothers to stand with us in this and stand with us in these circumstances. My brothers are young and I am a girl and I do not know how to work. Some of my brothers went out to the street and saw and saw the neighbors eating, so they stopped and stood at their door to give them even a loaf of bread to satisfy their hunger. Some of us do not have anything and our situation is very difficult. They looked at us with an eye of mercy and threw them away and came back crying and dying of hunger. By God, we do not find a morsel of food and now if one of us does not help us with a kilo of flour, by God we will die of hunger. My brother, I rely on the Lord Jesus and then on you and I want your help so that he may hurry up and I ask you by Jesus Christ Jesus, who taught us mercy and cooperation between us. You love goodness and help me. If I ask for my card name and send it and do not delay, God will give you many times what you gave us. My brother, you are a man. If you see your family hungry, it is impossible to provide for them more, but my eyes are full and my hands are short. I do not have a father like you and my brothers are young. Look. Their condition and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street and humiliate us or we die of hunger. Let the Lord be a true and honest witness between us. I am not lying to you with a word in this message and I did not ask you except out of extreme distress and harsh circumstances and the situation that I and my family are in. We ask you in Christ Jesus if you have the ability, O good people, whoever has the ability to help us, do not delay for a moment. This is my number on WhatsApp 00967776589266. Whoever can help us, message me on WhatsApp and we will send him the name. May God reward you ith good.<<<<<<<<!.!.!<.<.<.!.!.!.!.-&>&>—..>+.!.<.<.<.<..€.€.€.♡♤..♤………{…….¡°…….<.<.<.<..<🎉😢
Wish I could have one and leave apartment life forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Appreciate the detailed breakdown! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?
Perhaps these small houses are reinforcing the fact that if you have nothing now you will never have anything in the future so bye bye but first
buy now.
Just think these one storey small houses will probably fit is a specially built crematorium oven .
Hitler's ovens to end the liability of caring for their captured enemies was only a step away from a little house / cottage./coffin.
No muss no good blast and you and everything you own will be in the instantly forgotten past .
Soon we will have only palatial homes for the uber rich and large coffin cottages for you know who.
Sincerely think about where one's head is at to have a many mansions for homes and want the public to blow smoke up one's arse because his victims only qualify for a coffin style cottage for the maker's profit to gain yet more money and assets .
Can i believe we have the Untouchable class in North America also.
Can one use a can opener if the door malfunctions. Lmao.
Most of the people you have in mimd for these would not qualify for the mortgage. Are you going to have a mortgages company that qualifies everyone at devastating
NO SwastiHomes: "Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just"
— Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia
A car charging below your sleeping quarters? No thanks. People who think this is great are insane.
Need 3
Want to buy one now!
Who do I contact?
Can they pass is Wa state ?
Perfect garage size,
I would love to do both
This is absolutely perfect (1)
Bed and adjustable benefits
This is amazing👍 security benefits and emergency service's
Yes would consider it for myself a d otbers
Wow the substantially is great cleaning and expectations of 70 yrs created
Gray and the red steal my heart amazing I
Loving Grok 3 services
How do I get on the wait list and make a deposit?
High winds and snow loads