In a recent development regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has thrown doubt on the possibility of agreeing to a proposed 30-day ceasefire. Mr Putin has outlined a series of stringent conditions that must be met in order for Russia to consider the ceasefire, making the likelihood of a peaceful resolution seem increasingly distant.
While Mr Putin expressed agreement with the concept of a ceasefire, he raised concerns over the proposed US-brokered plan. Specifically, he insisted that Ukraine must refrain from rearming or mobilising its forces, and that any western military aid to Kyiv should be halted for the duration of the ceasefire.
Despite Ukraine having agreed to the proposed 30-day ceasefire in discussions with the United States, President Volodymyr Zelensky has criticized Putin’s response as “manipulative.” US President Donald Trump has also weighed in on the matter, expressing disappointment at the prospect of Russia rejecting the ceasefire. The US has implemented additional sanctions on Russian oil, gas, and banking sectors in response.
With tensions escalating and conditions becoming increasingly difficult to meet, the prospect of a ceasefire in Ukraine remains uncertain. The future of the conflict hangs in the balance as negotiations between the involved parties continue.
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Video “Putin casts doubt on Ukraine ceasefire plan with string of conditions | BBC News” was uploaded on 03/14/2025 to Youtube Channel BBC News
Little Putin demands no aid to Ukraine while taking arms from Iran and North Korea and North Korean troops in his meatwaves. Standard Russian duplicity.
How you can trust a Dictator and a clown?
Ukraine is winning
Putin telling Ukraine that they can’t rearm shows that he is either intending a future war and wants them weak, or he thinks he owns Ukraine. Of course a sovereign nation would rearm after war has depleted their military. Putin uses too many words, talking in circles in sneaky ways.
Americans are so naive what comes to Russia. Russia has all its nuclear missiles pointed to American cities. THAT is the reason why Europe is the first line of defence – not only for Europe but for the US.
Good broadcast
The fact that trump needs "this to happen fast" is simply so he doesn't lose credibility in front of his MAGA cult or his "cowed" GOP followers after having promised them that he would end the war "on day one". He is desperate to get the Nobel Peace Prize, but is going about it all wrong. Russia and Ukraine both need a diplomatic leader who can bring both sides to an agreement without threats from the outside . Diplomacy is not trying to beat down either side with his own personal threats. A real diplomat should be showing an objective way forward to BOTH parties. The problem with trump is that he is not objective and, peace is not really a priority for him. He just wants this situation to end so that he can say that it happened because of his intervention.
Afraid of Trump?😂 Russians Have no fear in their DNA.
Don't forget that the Russians allied with the nazis against Germany, so you can see why Poland doesn't trust them
Day 1 until shutdown… US Democratic Party rejects temporary budget plan
PUTIN will have to ASK His Mother , What Friendship is ?
Traitor Trump needs to shut up and stop trying to legitimizing Putin's invasion with the NATO CONSPIRACY. Our Traitor in Chief is very very aware that Putin used his Passport and Little Green Men Tactic to invade Ukraine and falsely claimed Ukraine was a NAZI REGIME persecuting Jews. I'm 63 yrs old and Putin has done this Tactic 3 times in my lifetime. My message to Traitor Trump is…Just because his MAGA MORONS are eating his BS up doesn't mean the majority of Americans and World population is. This is not a situation that tRump, a Treasonist Coward, should be telling lies and propagating Russian propaganda. Traitor Trump is encouraging Putin and China which will result in Americans dying in World War III. Does Trump, the COWARD-IN-CHIEF, honestly think the American people will just ABANDON our allies and ALL AMERICANS WILL HAVE BONESPURRS like he did in Vietnam? Republicans in Congress need to educate Trump and explain that if trump continues down his current path…Republicans will be hard pressed to be elected City Dog Catcher across America. As for all the Billionaires buying elections, they will cut their losses and abandon Republicans rather than go bankrupt. Nothing moves and unites a Nation's people like hate towards an enemy. The COWARD-IN-CHIEF is not playing with a full deck, the Republican in Congress NEED to MUZZLE him or Americans will hold them accountable. They can refuse to listen to their constituents now but election results will be LOUD AND CLEAR.
6:16 damn that girl is stunning
Russia is doing everything right, and it's up to them to decide what to do with Ukraine, which is their zone of influence.
If this doesn't show people that Putin DOES NOT want peace then I literally do not know what will. It's not even permanent it would only be 30 days and even THAT is too much for him without capitulation terms
I'm glad that the Media backtracked the whole "Putin Agrees" bullshit.
It is apparent that the BBC gets trolled by the Kremlin bots in droves. This article had been up for 17 seconds when I started to watch it and before it had finished a multitude of support for Russia had hit the comment section. Well done BBC. You have the attention and the ire of the Russian propaganda machine which means that you are doing well. Putin is a expansionist empire builder. He has the support of too many Russian people, mostly kept in line through violence and money. The West has enough problems with our own oligarchs. Look at the havoc Trump (supported by Russian money and kept in line with компрометирующий) and Musk are unleashing in America. Лучшее, что русский народ может сделать для себя и для всего остального мира, – это избавиться от своего диктатора.
Can we talk about force conscription in Ukraine?
But at least after 3 years of bloodshed discussions are finally taking place.
Russia strong and not afraid of US.
Something in the water ?
Putin… a wolf in wolfs clothing!
BBC is stupid. Putin afraid of Trump, how?
Putin looking through his box of secret files that Melania gave him to see which bit of dirt on Trump to pull out first when Donald doesn't want to play ball.
It goes not make them safer to have American nukes, it gives them leverage. Don't be stupid.
Russia came to Ukraine! It is fact. Putin doesn’t want to stop it. They came to destroy Ukraine completely. Kill all Ukrainians.
I’m from Russia, hate our government and hate all Russian who support this war!