Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre wasted no time in criticizing the new Prime Minister Mark Carney, referring to him as “Mr. Trudeau’s economic advisor” and accusing him of essentially having the same cabinet as Justin Trudeau, just with some “cosmetic surgery.” Poilievre pointed out that all current cabinet members were previously part of Trudeau’s caucus, insinuating that the same people who ran Trudeau are now running Carney.
In a scathing remark, Poilievre stated that Carney thinks Canadians are stupid and that the Liberals are attempting to hide their past with a mere facelift. He highlighted the fact that Carney’s cabinet only consists of 23 ministers, a significantly smaller number compared to Trudeau’s 39-member cabinet which included the former Prime Minister himself.
It is clear that Poilievre is not impressed with Carney’s cabinet choices and sees a direct connection between the current government and Trudeau’s previous administration. The Conservative leader’s strong words suggest that he believes Carney’s leadership will be nothing more than a continuation of Trudeau’s policies and practices.
As the political landscape in Canada continues to shift, it will be interesting to see how Carney’s cabinet functions and whether Poilievre’s criticisms hold weight in the coming months. Only time will tell if Carney can prove his detractors wrong and establish his own unique leadership style separate from Trudeau’s legacy.
Watch the video by Global News
Video “Poilievre calls Carney cabinet the same as Trudeau's but with “cosmetic surgery” | FULL” was uploaded on 03/14/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
I listened to this to see if Poilievre has anything of substance to say about his plan for dealing with Trump's threats to our sovereignty and the US tariffs, and for boosting the economy given how damaging they will be. I heard nothing but more slogan, slurs against Carney, half-truths and inuendo, and a lot of fluff about building homes and boosting the military while at the same time "axing the tax". With what money? The taxes he's "axed"? How is he going to expand trade to new partners that REQUIRE us to have carbon pricing? And what about security clearance? He didn't even address when he's going to get it, and why he's procrastinating? Super sketchy. This guy doesn't have a clue. Clearly his time in business as a telus call centre agent isn't going to cut it.
Axe the tax stop the crime build the homes fix the budget take a crap. Wonderful…. fantastic… amazing… so good…
Pierre has my vote! Please don't blow this Canada.
Carney is not the prime minister. He was not elected by important people. The Canadian people. Hes an insert from the liberal party.
Lots of Liberals here 😂 As a millennial I'm voting for Pierre Poilievre. He explained it here, Carney only temporarily suspended the carbon tax. Parliament needs to be resumed before they can scrap it permanently, plus a majority of Trudeaus cabinet is now Carneys cabinet. Yeah, no thanks. The same people who ruined this country beyond belief are still running the circus. Pierre even came out in support of Ukraine, he despises Trumps tariffs. He's ok in my books.
It doesn't make sense but Poilievre is a real threat. I've spoken to good people whom I like and who have good values, but they have totally drunk the coolaid. They get their news from Brian Lilley and the Toronto Sun, and no amount of reason or even facts can sway them from some very disturbing cognitive dissonance. It's bizarre, but they're angry people who feels cheated because they're in debt and don't have nice things and are looking for someone/something to blame. Poilievre has exploited that and I wouldn't underestimate him – these people can't be swayed. I mean, these are the same people who say, "can you believe people voted for Trump??" and yet they'll vote for PP. I guess this is how the fascists came into power during the Great Depression.
I do feel he would😮 be more loyal to Trumpy than to Canada. You know it too. Vote Carney for Canada 🇨🇦
If doug ford won ontario with 80% of the vote. And he's not even a real conservative. Im seeing a big blue conservative wave across Canada on rhe voting map.
Mr Polievre as Mr Chretien told t rump "Stop this nonsense.".
I think Poilievre would do well to show Canadians that he will be better at dealing with Trump than Carney. That will be the question Canadians are going to be asking.
I will never vote for a maple maga
Get your Top Security Clearance or STFU
Trudeau 2.0 or a new approach.
Pierre Poilievre gets financial support from Elon Musk. How on earth could he put Canada first??? He accepts support from those who want to destroy us!!!!!! Also, why does he refuse to get security clearance? He is hiding something critically serious and he needs to come out and tell Canadians the truth.
No policies. No solutions. Just whining and finger pointing. A year or so ago I was on the political fence. For the first time in my life I was reconsidering where my vote would go this time around. Not any more. It's Mark Carney all the way. All PP does is mimic Trump's language and hyperbole. Just one short example from this video "it will mean bringing in a MASSIVE BEAUTIFUL PATRIOTIC bring it home tax cut." What a maroon!
Why is this not highlighted on CBC and CTV? Hummm, accountability and transpancy !! 🎉
Why don't you have security clearance? What are you hiding? We have asked you politely to quit your divisive talk, but you continue with a new target. You are a bore, a complete and total bore.
Canadians don’t want a critical faultfinder that repeats the same insulting jargon. We want a leader!
Gonna vote carney hard in this upcoming election 🎉
No maple Magas in Canada !
He believes that government leaders should be held accountable for their decisions, so why is he still around if he spouts that he wants Canada to not be ashamed of our genocide against indigenous people, and wants to bring back John A MacDonald’s ideologies. The father of residential schools!
This guy us a snake and full of negativity. Insufferable! He is no match to Prime minister Carney in every way, from experience, education, world connection and leadership. His resume speaks for itself.
Ugh. Imagine having this man represent Canada! Please people…vote for Carney.
Mr. Poilievre. when you sound like Trump, saying put Canada first again like America and does this mean your going to follow Trump's legacy now, but like not to be offensive considering you where sucking up to his two gender thing, meaning you need to come up with more of your own idea's.
Do you really think that you will be able to "take back control of our economy" with your three word slogans ? Your base are idiots if they follow you who has no platform and have not done ANYTHING while in office. But yeah ok.
Oh No PP the smart people have a smart person with real international economics experience to vote for. This guy blames all economic problems we have on liberals when it all still basically left over from the all the money that was printed during the pandemic (which prob would have happened if PP were pm when it happened. Trump doe the same thing. Pandemic inflation was just starting to come down before trump was elected and the tariff idiocy started. Yer cooked PP and will prob have to become a backbencher soon.
This guy's wordy slogans have parched his throat (8:04) and have become a tongue twister even for him (8:09) LOL
😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣 it gets worse as it gets longer
One minute, 22 seconds in, i would like to hear what you will do PP, not your list of complaints
I am a supporter of PP, but my interest is waning. The repetition of blaming the rivals is becoming tiresome. It's time to shift our attention to the future. Pierre, instead of merely criticizing your rivals, please concentrate on outlining your strategies and vision for when you become president. 🇨🇦
All I really understood from all of this repetitive political jargon is that PP and the Conservative party has to work harder now. I won't apologize for mentioning that name-calling shows very little class and is honestly quite disgusting. By stating the same points over and over again, stumbling over words, and all the while just changing a few words as if it is a strong answer does not convince me to believe your words or your speech more than Official Opposition.
Pierre you’re still a big cry baby blaming others-get over yourself and get a security clearance!
What are your skills Pierre?
Yesterday is done
What are you bringing to leadership other than opposition, negativity, fear mongering, conspiracy theories?
You have no idea what Mark Carney Thinks?
What do you think ?
Do you think Canadians are stupid?
Why don't you tell the Canadian people what is on your resume specifically that will deal with economic and sovereignty crisis we are facing?
We’re voting for Pierre we’re voting Conservative 🇨🇦
QUESTION: How can you be patriotic when you owe allegiance to England? Why don't you declare your INDEPENDENCE? My God, man… Canada has a LONG way to go to realize freedom.
Pierre did not say what he would do if he becomes a leader. He has not provided any solid information yet. Mark, on the other hand, has spoken and is following through on his word. Pierre keps on complaining—first about Justin, and now about Mark Carney. That is why the Liberals have high support, and he is losing his votes. He complained about illegal immigration when Justin was in power, but Pierre has not said when he will deport them if he becomes leader. There is still no solid information from Pierre on this matter.
Rents are rising because the cost of living is high, and the Employment Insurance (EI) rate is also high now. The main problem is that newcomers are taking jobs from Canadians by accepting lower pay. Canadians need job security more than newcomers do.
We were NDP before . But when we watched Mark Carney talking, it’s all positive vibes for Canada and for Canadians . PP for 2 years all we heard it’s all same negative feed back against the Liberal and NDP instead helping Canadian people for better life and good economy. Anyway, I never heard PP done for Canada. Good luck PP you will never PM. I will vote for Mark Carney, strong Canadian economy. Elbows up🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
We were NDP before . But when we watched Mark Carney talking, it’s all positive vibes for Canada and for Canadians . PP for 2 years all we heard it’s all same negative feed back against the Liberal and NDP instead helping Canadian people for better life and good economy. Anyway, I never heard PP done for Canada. Good luck PP you will never PM. I will vote for Mark Carney, strong Canadian economy. Elbows up🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
This guy can’t see past his nose- literally he was told his glasses didn’t work for a leader look- so now he can’t see. Telling!
We need this man in power
PP is obsessed by Trudeau as Trump is obsessed by Biden…lol…
I find it hilarious that all the negative comments on here about PP are all the exact same comments legacy media has been saying..😂
17:05 What is Pierre even talking about? Inflation is below 2% and has been in the target range for 2 years. The BOC is fulfilling its mandate just fine.
17:20 Again, what is Pierre talking about? inflation never went above 2.8% the entire time Carney was governor of the Bank of England, and he consistently advised against brexit, which is one of the main drags on the UK economy.
It’s not new he’s a joke.
While Ford was defending our country whenever he got inteviewed by American news, where was this guy??
He always calls Canada broken and nothing else.
You are wrong when you say "nothing will change". It WILL change…… for the WORSE!!!! ….. MUCH worse.
As Trump would say..Low Energy. Lol