Netanyahu receives cheers from US Congress amidst protests denouncing him

Netanyahu receives cheers from US Congress amidst protests denouncing him

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a warm welcome from the US Congress during his recent visit to Capitol Hill, with lawmakers giving him a standing ovation as he addressed the joint session. However, outside the Capitol building, a very different scene was unfolding as thousands of protesters gathered to denounce Netanyahu and show their support for Palestine.

The protesters, made up of a diverse group of activists, called on President Joe Biden to take a stronger stance against Israel and its policies towards Palestinians. Many carried signs and chanted slogans demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and calling for justice and equality for all people in the region.

For some protesters, Netanyahu’s visit highlighted the deep divisions within American politics when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They criticized the US government for its unwavering support of Israel and called on lawmakers to hold Netanyahu accountable for his government’s actions.

The presence of these protesters served as a stark reminder of the ongoing tensions in the Middle East and the strong emotions that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict evokes. While inside the Capitol building, Netanyahu was met with applause and cheers, outside, there was a powerful display of dissent and resistance.

As the protest continued, it was clear that the voices of those demanding justice for Palestine were just as strong and passionate as those cheering for Netanyahu inside. The stark contrast between the two scenes highlighted the complex and contentious nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the ongoing struggle for peace and justice in the region.

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Video “As US Congress cheered for Netanyahu, protesters gathered to denounce him” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English