Biden celebrates 30th anniversary of Violence Against Women Act at live event

Biden celebrates 30th anniversary of Violence Against Women Act at live event

President Biden marked the 30th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act with a powerful speech, highlighting the importance of this landmark legislation in protecting and supporting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The event, streamed live, showcased Biden’s commitment to ending violence against women and creating a safer and more equal society for all.

During his remarks, President Biden reflected on the significance of the Violence Against Women Act, which was first signed into law in 1994 during his time as a senator. He emphasized the progress that has been made in the past three decades, thanks to this crucial legislation, but also acknowledged the work that still needs to be done to eradicate gender-based violence and discrimination.

Biden also called for continued support and funding for programs and services that assist survivors of violence, including shelters, hotlines, and legal resources. He stressed the importance of prevention efforts and education to change cultural norms and attitudes that perpetuate violence against women.

Overall, President Biden’s speech served as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight against gender-based violence and the need for continued advocacy and support for survivors. The 30th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act was a momentous occasion to both celebrate progress and recommit to the work ahead in creating a safer, more just world for all individuals.

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Video “LIVE: Biden marks 30th anniversary of Violence Against Women Act” was uploaded on 09/13/2024 to Youtube Channel NBC News