Abbey Comedy: A Short Film in Compton

Abbey Comedy: A Short Film in Compton

“Compton Abbey” is a hilarious comedy that follows two unlikely characters, a butler and a valet, who find themselves on the run from a local drug lord. Directed by Chris Desmond, the film stars David Tate and Kevin Gardner as the two fugitives who seek refuge in an English estate located in South Central Los Angeles.

As the duo assumes their new roles as servants, they must navigate through the elaborate world of the wealthy residents while trying to stay one step ahead of their dangerous pursuer. Anne Letscher also stars in the movie as one of the eccentric residents of the estate.

With witty dialogue, slapstick humor, and clever twists, “Compton Abbey” delivers non-stop laughs and unexpected moments. The chemistry between Tate and Gardner shines on screen, making their comedic interactions a highlight of the film.

This short movie is a perfect blend of action, comedy, and drama, offering a fresh and entertaining take on the buddy comedy genre. Desmond’s direction brings out the best in the talented cast, resulting in a fun and engaging viewing experience.

“Compton Abbey” is a must-watch for fans of comedy films, offering a unique and entertaining story that is sure to leave audiences laughing until the very end.

Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas

Video “Compton Abbey (Comedy) Short Movie” was uploaded on 06/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas