Accusations of Cheating Leveled Against Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contestant – Video

Accusations of Cheating Leveled Against Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contestant – Video

The world of competitive eating has been thrown into chaos with the recent accusations against Nathan’s hot dog eating competitor Nick Wehry. According to reports, Wehry has been accused of cheating by adding five hot dogs to his tally that he never actually consumed during the contest.

In a video that has surfaced online, Wehry is seen handling the plates of hot dogs but it’s not clear if there was any foul play involved. Some viewers believe that Wehry may have taken multiple plates from his competitor and then returned all but one, leading to the discrepancy in the final count.

Wehry has vehemently denied the accusations, stating in an interview with Inside Edition that he would never cheat in a competition. He claims that the video footage is inconclusive and does not prove that he did anything wrong.

The Nathan’s hot dog eating contest is a highly coveted event in the competitive eating world, and any allegations of cheating can taint the integrity of the entire competition. The organizers of the event have yet to comment on the controversy, but it will be interesting to see how this scandal unfolds and if any action will be taken against Wehry if the allegations are proven to be true.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competitor Accused of Cheating” was uploaded on 07/10/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition