Among Thieves is a thrilling crime movie directed by John Bergstresser and written by John Battle. The film follows a group of thieves on a mission to recover a long-lost 19th-century painting. As the complexities of love and betrayal come into play, trust begins to erode within the group, putting their lives at risk.
The cast includes Karen Sillas, John Battle, and Richard Gayler, who deliver captivating performances that keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Set in 2001, Among Thieves is a gripping tale of deception and danger that will leave viewers questioning the motives of each character. Trust no one, steal everything is the motto of this intense thriller that keeps viewers guessing until the very end.
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Video “Among Thieves (Thriller) Trust no one, steal everything” was uploaded on 01/09/2025 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm
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