Animal Fight Night: Warthogs, Hippos, and Badgers (Full Episode) – Video

Animal Fight Night: Warthogs, Hippos, and Badgers (Full Episode) – Video

An episode of Animal Fight Night featuring warthogs, hippos, and badgers showcases the intense battles that animals engage in to win food, territory, and mating rights. In Africa, cheetahs fiercely defend their territory as two brothers fight off a rival coalition, using their speed and strength to overpower their opponents. In South America, capuchin monkeys engage in violent battles to protect their territory and food sources, often resulting in serious injuries. On the open plains of Africa, male warthogs use their tusks and aggression to establish dominance and protect their offspring from potential threats. In the suburbs, female badgers use their claws and sharp teeth to forage for food, even engaging in battles with other badgers over coveted food sources. The episode highlights the brutal nature of animal warfare and the relentless drive to survive in the wild.

Video “Warthogs, Hippos, Badgers (Full Episode) | Animal Fight Night” was uploaded on 05/19/2022 by Nat Geo WILD Youtube channel.