Anti-tax protesters from Kenya storm Parliament in Nairobi

Anti-tax protesters from Kenya storm Parliament in Nairobi

In a dramatic turn of events in Nairobi, thousands of anti-tax protesters stormed the parliament buildings to demonstrate against proposed tax rises. The crowds managed to breach security and enter the parliament buildings, leading to chaos and unrest.

Reports from local media indicate that several individuals have been shot and dozens more have been arrested as a result of the protests. The proposed measures, approved by MPs under the government of President William Ruto, have sparked outrage among opponents who believe that the tax hikes will only worsen the already high cost of living in the country.

President Ruto, however, defends the tax increases as necessary to boost revenue and reduce the need for borrowing. The clash between the government and protesters has intensified as tensions escalate in the capital.

The protesters are calling for a total rejection of the finance bill and demanding President Ruto’s resignation, leading to slogans like “Ruto Must Go” and “Reject Finance Bill 2024.” The demonstrations highlight the growing resentment towards the government’s economic policies and the impact they are having on the people of Kenya.

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Video “Thousands of Kenyan anti-tax protesters stormed parliament buildings in Nairobi” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English