In the upcoming movie ASH (2025), viewers will be taken on a thrilling journey to a distant planet where a scientist, played by Eiza González, wakes up on a space station to discover her colleagues have been brutally murdered. With the help of another scientist sent to rescue her, portrayed by Aaron Paul, she delves into the mystery surrounding the killings and unwittingly triggers a series of horrifying events.
Set to be released on March 21, 2025, ASH promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and stellar cast, which also includes Iko Uwais. Written by Jonni Remmler, this science fiction film is sure to leave viewers eager for more.
Don’t miss out on the suspense and excitement in ASH (2025), and be sure to subscribe to KinoCheck for more updates on this highly-anticipated movie.
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Video “ASH Trailer 2 (2025)” was uploaded on 01/30/2025 to Youtube Channel
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