“Baby in the Basket” is a chilling horror film set against the backdrop of WWII on a remote Scottish island. When a baby is left on the steps of an isolated monastery, the nuns take it in, hoping to care for it until the storm passes. However, as strange and unexplained events begin to occur at the convent, the nuns realize that there may be something sinister at play.
Directed by a up-and-coming filmmaker, this atmospheric horror flick promises to deliver plenty of thrills and suspense. The talented cast brings the eerie story to life, capturing the tension and fear that grips the convent as the mysterious events escalate.
With a mix of mystery, supernatural elements, and psychological terror, “Baby in the Basket” is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Get ready to be spooked by this haunting tale of isolation, fear, and the unknown.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “BABY IN THE BASKET Official Trailer (2025) Horror” was uploaded on 01/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
It's a BABA….
I was in suspense, ..for the trailer to finally end.
Looks stupid
A whole bunch of nothing 😂
Live action film about the origins of peter pan???????
Nunya business!
Doesn't even look worth watching….
This looks like it cost about five dollars