Beginning the Second Phase of Deportation Plan for Afghans in Pakistan

Beginning the Second Phase of Deportation Plan for Afghans in Pakistan

The second phase of the controversial plan to deport Afghan refugees from Pakistan is set to begin, with over 800,000 Afghans facing expulsion. Those who do not leave voluntarily will be at risk of arrest and deportation. This comes after more than 541,000 Afghans were forced to leave in the initial phase that began last November. Currently, around 3.1 million Afghan refugees are still residing in Pakistan, with an estimated 1.7 million being undocumented. Al Jazeera’s Kamal Hyder reports from the Khazana Refugee Camp in Peshawar, shedding light on the challenges faced by Afghan refugees in Pakistan as they prepare for the looming deportations.

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Video “Afghans in Pakistan: Second phase of deportation plan set to begin” was uploaded on 06/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English