Biden Freezes up, Claims Victory over Medicare in Debate with Trump

Biden Freezes up, Claims Victory over Medicare in Debate with Trump

During the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, an interesting moment occurred when Biden appeared to freeze up briefly and declared, “We finally beat Medicare,” in what seemed to be a slip-up. Host Jake Tapper quickly called time, but Trump didn’t waste any time in responding.

Trump immediately jumped in, saying, “He did beat Medicaid — beat it to death and he’s destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in — they’re putting them on Medicare.” Trump continued, acknowledging that Biden did technically “beat Medicaid” in the way he finished his sentence.

This moment was a lighthearted exchange in an otherwise intense debate between the two candidates. Biden’s slip-up provided a brief moment of levity, and Trump’s quick response added to the humor of the situation. It was a small but memorable moment in the duel between the two politicians.

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Video “Biden appears to freeze, says he ‘beat Medicare’ in opening of duel with Trump” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post